Compassionate Faith Series
Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: A journey of faith through Mark chapters 5 and 6. We want to look at the story of Christ living in and through men, as a result of the faith in their hearts.
We are on a journey of faith through- Mk 5/6.
2Cor 4:6-7 (treasure- Col 1:27- Christ in you)
In man we have the coming together of the natural and the eternal.
The hope is that the …
eternal that is within us (through our faith)
would break through the veil of our flesh and
touch the world around us.
As the church- we must learn how to walk/talk in faith
1 Cor 3:1-3 MSG Bible
Does not this define our current Christian culture …
deal unspiritually with each other/God
grab for what makes us feel good/important
content only when everything’s going our way
God is calling us up to a higher standard of faith.
Mk 6:33-34 Feeding of the 5000
What motivated Jesus to help people? Compassion!
Jesus frequently was moved by the plight of the multitudes and the suffering of individual people.
Human need appeals to God’s heart and His power stands ready to minister to those needs.
Heb 4:15 For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. NASU
Sympathize- to suffer w/another, to be affected similarly
Consider the story of the prodigal son …
Lk 15:20 "So he got up and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion for him, and ran and embraced him and kissed him. NASU
As the father ran to his son, Jesus reaches out to us.
If love motivated Jesus, should not love motivate us.
Mtt 9:36-38 (harvest plentiful, workers few)
Love determines …
how we respond to others and
whether we respond at all to needs around us.
1 Jn 4:10-11, 19
Our ability to love others- proportional to how much revelation we have concerning God’s love for us.
This is why it is so important to build a secret history with God- many do not believe God loves them.
Mk 6:35 A Desolate Place
Life often leads us into desert places.
A desert place is where we are shut up w/faith/God.
If we are Christians a desert places shuts us up w/faith
It is a place where we can turn to him alone for help.
The lion’s den for Daniel was a desert place- his only hope of survival was his faith in God.
It is hear that we find food to eat the world knows nothing about …
Jn 4:32, 34
32 But He said to them, "I have food to eat that you do not know about." NASU
34 Jesus said to them, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work. NASU
Mk 6:36-38 Human Reason/Faith Tested
Human reason- send them away so they can go and help themselves by buying food/drink.
Send the hungry away from the Bread of Life and the thirsty away from the Fountain of Living Water.
So often we turn to natural resources instead of God.
2 Chr 16:7-9, 12 Consider Asa, King of Judah
Where else is there help for us, but in Christ?
Jesus was testing their level of faith, but more.
He was taking them beyond what they could do w/natural resources.
Disciples focused on what little they had- no way!
But Jesus can take a little and do much with it.
He can take our small lives/talents- do much w/them.
In the church- many want to push the responsibility to help someone off onto someone more qualified.
Some even have the attitude-
I can do so little, therefore it is not worth my while trying to do anything.
Mk 6:39-44 Order in the Kingdom/Structure
Sometimes we have this attitude that God cannot work through structure, that structures hinders.
Everything has to open/loose for the HS to come.
The problem is not the structure- it is the heart.
Mk 6:45-47 Alone With God
After much time w/people, Jesus pulled away w/God.
To be fruitful with people He had to draw strength from God.
Through prayer, as we draw away to be with God …
receive strength to- avoid/overcome temptation
learn to live in His Presence.
Video clip- Circle of Life
Lion King- talked about the circle of life.
There is as well a rhythm to the Christian life.
The Christian life is a continuous going into the presence of God from the presence of men and coming out into the presence of men from the presence of God (William Barclay).
Two dangers in the Christian life …
constant activity without rest
too much withdrawing without work.
Real prayer will result in real labor for God.
Real labor for God comes out of real prayer.
Fellowship with God, or drawing away with God, is never to avoid fellowship or labor among men.