
Summary: Jesus once spoke to His disciples about their FLESH. In Matthew 26, He gave them a very stern warning. He said, "Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the FLESH (sarx) is weak."

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Communion Service

Text: John 6:41 thru 56

Prayer: Prepare us to receive Holy Communion.

As we begin this time of Communion, let us be mindful that we are to share in the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

COMMUNION SERVICE - I Corinthians 11:23 thru 26

Jesus once spoke to His disciples about their FLESH.

In Matthew 26, He gave them a very stern warning. He said,

"Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the FLESH (sarx) is weak."

That same warning is for you and I this evening.

If we are to learn how to: live for God

understand the image He has made us in

have Christ live within us

Then we must,

1) Identify the real source of our problem - our FLESH is weak.

2) Take part in/receive His incorruptible FLESH (instead of our’s)

3) Identify ourselves with the life of Christ living within us.

Unfortunately, it is our FLESH that houses our soul and spirit.

Fortunately, Jesus conquered and overcame His own FLESH.

Thereby enabling each of us to overcome our own FLESH with His Life.

The Apostle John really understood how to find his identity in Christ.

John knew how Jesus had made us to be overcomers in the world.

Read I John 4:4, 5:4 and 5

Later, John was given his revelation from God on the Isle of Patmos, it is found in the book of Revelations. He knew how much Christ is wanting us to be overcomers through the Life of Christ.

Jesus spoke to John about there being seven churches. These churches have a prophetical meaning in studying the "last days".

But they also give us a description of the plans Jesus has made for us to fulfill.

These passages give us hope in being overcomers with Christ being our Life in us and through us.

Read Rev. 2:7

1. Church at Ephesus - eat of the tree of Life. Meaning we will overcome our enemies in spiritual warfare. We will have a glorious victory and reward.

We may feel beaten and discouraged, but the victory is still ours.

Read Rev. 2:11

2. Church at Smyrna - This life we now are living will eventually end, and may seem frightening to some of us at times. And there is an eternal death apart from the Life of Christ that is far worse. But the Life of Christ living in us will save us from the pain of both deaths. Death will never hurt us with the Life of Christ living in us.

Read Rev. 2:17

3. Church at Pergamos - We have something that the world does not have. It is hidden from those without Christ. John saw a white stone (with a new name written on it) that has released us from the guilt and shame of sin. In ancient times this was how people were judged of the crimes they were accused of.

The black stone meant you were guilty, but we have been given the white stone on innocense. We have been acquitted of our crimes by having the Life of Christ living in us.

Read Rev. 2:26 - 28

4. Church at Thyatira - This is a declaration of the power and the dominion God had originally intended for us to have. Adam and Eve had it once, and we will have it again. It is backed by the knowledge and the wisdom of the "Morning Star". It is the only Light we have in a very dark world. But it is the only Light we will ever need.

Read Rev. 3:5

5. Church at Sardis - We have been assured of God’s perfection of holiness and grace. We may think we can live a life of holiness, and I suppose we can’t. But we can allow the Life of Christ to live His Life of holiness in us and through us. As a result, the names (of those who overcome) will not ever be blotted out with the stains of the sins of this life.

Read Rev. 3:12

6. Church at Philadelphia - You may want to be recognized in by your friends and fellow citizens of being a good, law abiding pillar in your community. But God has a far greater plan. Jesus wants you to be recognized in His Father’s kingdom (in heaven). The pillar in the Temple of the New Jerusalem. There you will be given your glory and recognition. Be patient.

Read Rev. 3:21

7. Church at Laodecea - As we said last week, this is His ultimate goal. For you to have so much of Christ in you, that you will be asked to sit next to Him on His Father’s throne. Forever and ever. For all eternity.


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