Communion Meditation From Genesis 2
Contributed by Steve Holmes on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Portrayal of Adams first day and of the covering made for Him.
Gen 2:7-15... One of the things that was always a delight for my wife and I when our girls were
young was watching them in every new circumstance. We loved to see their expressions of delight
or surprise as they saw something new for the first time, or to enter into their joy and delight in
some new experience. Our oldest was always fascinated by animals and her first question
inevitably was does it bite. Our youngest was always more guarded in new situations, but there was
a particular grin that crept across her face that told us when it was a success.
Since God made us and imprinted His image on us, I suspect He took delight in watching Adam
as he explored his new world. What an experience it must have been as Adam saw, smelled,
heard, tasted and touched everything for the first time. Talk about a kid in a candy shop! When
God breathed life into him, he made Adam the most intelligent, the most handsome and the most
industrious man in the world. And though God created him with a mature intellect, he also gave him
an uninhibited curiosity and innocence in order to take in the new creation. I would love to have
seen his face and watched his reactions as he explored that unblemished world that God called
good. God designed into the new world a maturity that provided an immediate food source for
Adam. Fruit trees speckled with fruits of all colors, bushes loaded with various berries, plants lush
with vegetables, all for Adam to enjoy. He might have marveled at the gushing water source that
supplied the four rivers mentioned in vs 11-14. Curiosity may have moved him to collect some of
the gorgeous gems and gold nuggets that adorned the ground. I was curious about bdellium. It
would seem that it was a pungent and aromatic resin that came from a tree where it would bead
up as it seeped out through the bark and would harden looking like amber pearls. What a sight that
must have been. The garden was most likely a botanists dream, full of fragrant flowers in a myriad
of colors. There were no weeds, no mosquitos, nothing to blemish that perfect paradise. Every day
was perfect. The climate was always temperate. The garden was watered by a morning dew. Every
night was warm and clear and the stars and moon were his night light. As Adam walked through
that environment every nerve in his body must have vibrated with excitement and wonder and
anticipation, for you see it was all brand new...every sight every smell everything that touched his
senses. If you had asked Adam to remember yesterday, he would not have been able to, for
yesterday he did not exist. But today, he was alive. He might well have said "I am". Yesterday I was
not, but today I am. I feel, I think, I reason, I see, I hear, I have purpose... I AM ALIVE and God has
made me so. And He is my friend, my nurturer, my guardian, the source of my life. And I shall live
forever enjoying all that God has made. I like being.
Vs 16,17... I can only imagine Adams dialogue with God on this subject. I would die? What is
death? Is death like yesterday when I did not feel or think or reason or see? Is death like when I was
No Adam. That is not death. Death is to have tasted the joy of life, and to have that joy moved out
of your reach. Death is to have experienced the hope of eternal pleasure, and then to know forever
that you forfeited it. Death is to lose the feeling of every nerve vibrating with excitement and instead
feel every nerve throb with pain. Death is to know My love as your provider, guardian, protector and
friend and then to be separated from My love forever..... with every memory keenly intact.
Adam may have thought, death sounds formidable. But in such a paradise as this I cannot
imagine that death could be real. And besides God loves me, He wouldn’t really allow me to die for
eating a piece of fruit, and yet...
Vs 19-20a... Now remember sin had not entered the world. When Adam gave the Lion its name,
the lamb could well have been grazing beside it, for God had created the animals to eat plants.
There was no animal that was foreign to him. There was none of which he was afraid. They were,
temporarily at least, his minions, his playmates, his companions. When we read in vs 20 that he
gave names to all cattle etc. I couldn’t help but wonder if he not only named the species, but gave