
Summary: We have it so good. We enjoy it so much. We express it so little.

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INTRO.- ILL.- One man wrote, “The day before Christmas became a thanksgiving day for my family. The station wagon was packed with kids and travel stuff for the 400-mile trip to Grandma’s. As is our custom, before leaving we asked God to protect us on the road. He did, but in an unusual way.

“As we were cruising down I-75 in Ohio, we ran over some debris in the road. It made a lot of noise, but did no damage--or so we thought. With every passing mile we figured that the crisis had passed. When we pulled off the expressway for gas a few miles later, though, we were in for a deflating surprise. I felt a sickening, sloppy feeling in the front of the car. Both front tires had gone flat.

“We weren’t happy with having to replace the tires, but we were thankful for God’s care. Thankful that we didn’t have an accident. Thankful that the tires stayed inflated until we got off the expressway. Thankful for the tow truck sitting at the gas station. Thankful that a repair shop was open. We were thankful for God’s answer to our prayer.”

I Thess. 5:18 “Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

Sometimes the circumstances of our lives are not always the best. In fact, they may be downright bad, but still, we are to look for something to be thankful for! And there is ALWAYS something positive for which we can be thankful!

ILL.- One morning after a terrible snowstorm, Susan was outside shoveling her driveway. She stopped to wave hello to her neighbor, and he asked her why her husband wasn’t out there helping her with the chore.

She explained that one of them had to stay inside to take care of the children, so they drew straws to see who would go out and shovel. "Sorry about your bad luck," he said. Susan replied, "Don’t be sorry. I won!"

Give thanks in all circumstances.

ILL.- Dr. Dale Robbins writes, “I used to think people complained because they had a lot of problems. But I have come to realize that they have problems because they complain. Complaining doesn’t change anything or make situations better. It amplifies frustration, spreads discontent and discord, and can invoke an invitation for the devil to cause havoc with our lives.” Complaining makes us miserable.

Psalm 77:3 says, “I complained and my spirit was overwhelmed.”

Philippians 2:13 “Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe.”

A positive, thankful person is a great witness in this dark world. We only shine when we are thankful. Our light shines for the Lord when we are thankful, when we live it and express it!

Instead of looking at the negatives in our lives and complaining, we must look at and for the positives and give thanks.

I Thess. 5:18 “Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

Giving thanks is God’s will for our lives. Giving thanks to God and others is what pleases the Lord.

PROP.- I have three simple thoughts about thanksgiving.

1- We have it so good

2- We enjoy it so much

3- We express it so little


I Tim. 6:17 “Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.”

ILL.- Someone said, Your mama is so poor, she goes to Kentucky Fried Chicken to lick other people’s fingers.

- Your mama is so poor, I walked into her house, asked to use the bathroom, and she said "3rd tree to your right."

Where did you come from? How poor were you when you were a child? What do you now have that didn’t you have? Many of you grew up with a whole less than you have now.

I Tim. 6:17 “Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant...."

ILL.- Elaine and I went to the Canton, TX, flea market on Nov. 3rd and 4th. It takes place every month for 4 days (Thursday to Sunday) before the first Monday of every month. We were told that it was very big and it is HUGE! You couldn’t see the whole thing in one day. I’m not sure you could see it all in 4 days. I NEVER SAW SO MUCH STUFF AND JUNK IN MY LIFE! Americans are rich! They are rich in junk if nothing else!

WE ARE THE RICH OF THIS WORLD and we should not be arrogant about it. Have you counted up your blessings lately?

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Richard Whitaker

commented on Nov 13, 2007

Good job

Fred Parker

commented on Nov 15, 2008

Dearest Pastor Shepherd, Greetings from Mississippi in the lovely name of Jesus Christ! This message is probably one of the best Thanksgiving messages that I have ever seen. I sense the anointing of the Lord in your heart and soul through this word. Thank you so much for sharing it with the world. I was raised in abject poverty in the sandhills of West Texas and certainly can relate to what is being emphasized here. God bless! Pastor Fred Parker, B.A. Theology; M.A. Family Counseling

Curt Mccallister

commented on Nov 22, 2008

Pastor Steve, enjoyed this sermon very much; especially about "add it up."-------May God continue to bless your ministry

Billy Weems

commented on Dec 13, 2008

Good Sermon!!!!!!

Robert Hale

commented on Nov 20, 2010

Thanks for the great thoughts and illustrations.

Gerald Selleck

commented on Nov 24, 2010

good thoughts, but too many of them, and too many illustrations.

Dennis Gleason

commented on Nov 10, 2011

Nice job of tying in your illustrations with the text. No problem with trying to figure out what you are trying to get across. Great job! Pastor Dennis Gleason-Salt Creek Bible Church

Scott Bayles

commented on Nov 15, 2011

Steve, your messages are always shining examples of heart-felt preaching! Thanks for sharing!

Dennis Sproull

commented on Nov 21, 2011

The content of your message was most inspiring. It certainly can be utilized to bless others with the same appreciation for thanksgiving that we all should have. Thanks so much!

John Mark

commented on Nov 17, 2014

Great and productive message. Thank you Pastor.

Steve Shepherd

commented on Nov 24, 2014

Thank you, John Mark, for your kind words. I enjoyed preaching this message myself. God bless you.

Wayne Howard

commented on Nov 4, 2015

Steve this message is so relative to where we are in my area and in some cases in our congregation I plan to use part of this sermon in my message this Sunday. Thanks for posting it.

Steve Shepherd

commented on Dec 29, 2015

Thank you. God bless you.

Eugenio Jr. Gedalanga

commented on Dec 27, 2015

Dear Pastor Steve, Greetings from Cadiz, Spain. I am a filipino Pastor ministering to filipinos and other english speaking people here in Spain. I just want to thank you for sharing your sermon to us. Same as other persons who shared their life before, as you have mentioned in your message about our country Philippines, I was raised in a poor family but having godly parents. I can still remember that our parents cannot even buy us a toy,so we make our toys made of wood.I never had a toy car when i was young. But there?s no regret because our hard experiences made us more thankful for what we have and what we are right now. God bless you and i do hope to hear you preach in person someday. Pastor Eugenio Gedalanga, Pastor Faith Baptist Church.

Steve Shepherd

commented on Dec 29, 2015

Thank you, brother. God bless you!

Stephen Mcswain

commented on Nov 16, 2021

Dearl Hardy

commented on Nov 17, 2021

What a great message brother Steve, I will use parts this week. Thank you for sharing

Dearl Hardy

commented on Nov 17, 2021

What a great message brother Steve, I will use parts this week. Thank you for sharing

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