
Summary: Why do people go to church? Power Point is available upon request

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A) There does need to be a purpose behind why we come to church.

* And there needs to be some reasons we do the things we do as they

relate to the church.

B) In our text the Psalmist, David, had a purpose, or some reasons

for coming to the house of the Lord.

* There are really three reasons he gives, but in v.4a, he refers to them as,

“one thing.”

C) The one thing he refers to is this: “That I may dwell in the house

of the LORD all the days of my life,”

* The other two reasons are sub points ... They are the benefits of dwelling

in the house of the Lord.

* And what are they? – That he may “behold the beauty of the Lord,”

and that he “may enquire in His temple.”

D) This morning I want to give you these three things – These three

purposes of David:


A) His Desire (v.4a): “One thing have I desired of the LORD,”

* Throughout the Psalms we find David talking about the house of the Lord.

B) It was always his desire to worship in God’s Holy Temple.

* Psa. 61:4 “I will abide in thy tabernacle for ever: I will .......”

* Psa. 122:1 “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go .......”

C) I want to ask you a question? – Are you glad when someone in

your home says to you, “Let’s go into the house of the Lord?”

* Was it your desire to come to church this morning to be in the

presence of the Lord, and to fellowship with His saints?

* What is your purpose for being here today?

D) Keep the word “desire” before you, for desire is the

thing that drives us.

* It’s the thing that causes us to want to come to church, or for

that matter, to do anything at all for God.

E) As Pastors, we often wonder why some people come to church.

* We often see folks dozing ... Some are daydreaming ... Some occupy

themselves by talking to the person sitting next to them.

F) Some are distracted by reading Facebook on their phone rather

than listening to the message that God has for them that day.

* I can tell you, if you allow him to, satan will do whatever is necessary

to distract you from what God has for you.


A) There is an interesting story that is told about the legendary

baseball players Hank Aaron and Yogi Berra.

* Hank Aaron was new to the Major Leagues but was already one

of the best homerun hitters in baseball.

* Yogi Berra was the colorful catcher for the New York Yankees,

and they were playing each other in the World Series.

B) Yogi Berra was famous for distracting batters with his constant chatter.

* Hank Aaron steps up to the plate ... It was the first time he and Yogi Berra

had ever faced each other.

* Berra starts in on him: “Hank, you’re holding the bat all wrong ... You’re

supposed to hold it so that you can read the label.”

C) Aaron ignored him ... He then proceeds to hit the first pitch

over the fence into the left field bleachers for a homerun.

* He runs around the bases, comes back to home plate, and says to

Yogi Berra, “I didn’t come up here to read.”

D) Our purpose for coming to church is, to worship God and to receive

something in order to help us better know Him and to better serve Him.

* Anything that distracts from that is a spiritual liability.

* David’s desire – Then .......


A) David’s desire was for God’s house.

* He was determined to be there ... He was determined that nothing

would keep him away – He had a purpose for coming.

B) You will never grow beyond what you know .......

* You’ll never do more than what you desire to do ... And you’ll

never be more than what you determine to be.

C) Determination was high on David’s list when it came

to the house of the Lord.

* He was purpose driven ... He had a purpose for coming.

D) Quite different than the lady who was talking to her neighbor

over the fence.

* She said, “I really don’t know what you see in the church.”

E) Her friend said, “Oh, you really don’t know what you’re missing.”

* “It’s such a wonderful rest after a hard week’s work, to sit in the pews

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