
Summary: There are a broad number of people that think, that they have to change themselves because they are cold, but you’re the way God likes. Have integrity if you’re cold.

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Rev. 3:15, 16

When your hands are in the indifferences of this world, everything about them is chilly as a dislike, a cold wave that keeps coming in. You know how a cold wave feels the temperature is lower than normal body temperature. There are no feelings of warmth. Until we have lacking emotions or objectives, it’s hard to impress the Spirit, because he wants us hot or cold. Today, I want to talk to you about being cold. People that are not friendly are the apple of God’s eye.

So what if your personality is refrigerated, and the people that come around you, are they uncomfortably chilled? And water is turning to ice, perhaps there’s no enthusiasm in your marriage anymore, and you have become devoid of sexual desires. Maybe Jesus is making you cold; maybe Jesus is making a color that suggest little warmth; maybe Jesus wants you to appear as if you’re dead. To be dead in this world is to maintain a body temperature lower than average.

The water at the beach is cold, when you first get into it especially when a wave comes, but after a little the water don’t seem as cold as it was when you first got in. The water has not changed temperature, but our body temperature has changed. Jesus will change our body temperature, when we get into his will. We’re going to have to endure for a little while; don’t get out before the change comes, wait on the change: present your body as a living sacrifice; he wants you to be cold.

We are built to adjust to situations critical, quite trying to warm your own life, and just be who you are in the Lord. If you’re so intense as to be almost uncontrollable, you are in a position that Jesus was willing to give his life for. Let it pass your mind, about what others say about you, because you walk unfeelingly. Your hands can be so cold with Jesus in your soul, if you invite him in. Whatever you have done in the temperature, lower than normal, Jesus, still wants to come into your heart, he will.

As God changes the temperature, we change 37% of marriages are ending in divorce, because they are not waiting for each other to adjust. It takes a little while to adjust. Your husband or wife don’t go to church or read the bible, because they say church is boring or the bible is hard to understand. If you stay in the water long enough, your body temperature will drop, and everything will be alright. Everything will be alright because God knows how to change things. It’s alright being cold.

Which means, if we don’t maintain

a state of heartlessness in this world, you’re going to warm up. When we warm up, we do things that God doesn’t approve of, because we’re not letting his faith in us be the cleaning agent. That’s right! Cleanliness is next to Godliness. If you’re cold God wants to make an investment into your life. Be cold about what you do, because it’s the best you to find the Lord through his name.

There is no condemnation to those in Jesus. We are cold.

Lay hands on no man suddenly, because you might be laying hands on a snub, a cold - shoulder. Be careful for nothing in prayer and in fasting, because God loves these kinds of people, since they are cold, even though they might not serve the Lord as faithful as you and I, but God has a plan for people that are cold. David was cold, read about some of the things that he did, and the Lord was with him. If you’re not convinced in your heat that God rather have you cold.

You must be Lukewarm.

You cannot be hot and cold at the same time

Maybe God is not the make –up in your life like his use to be, there is a chance that you are straddling the fence. Jesus is your best friend, until the right people or person comes around. If you see this more than you see his identity. You probably need to get back on the straight and narrow, a road, a way of thinking. It will lead us unto the victory of Jesus Christ.

We need his victory; you want be able to share heaven with him without Jesus. Jesus is God.

God hangs around cold people, when he is hot, and he hangs around hot people, when he is cold. Either way God will accept you. The spirit speaks, and it says I wise that you were hot or cold, but if you Lukewarm, I will spit you out of my mouth. The make- up is, we have to choose if we are going to be hot or cold.

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