Cold Christianity
Contributed by John Daniel Johnson on Aug 19, 2019 (message contributor)
Summary: I believe that today there are so many people who claim the name of Christianity who are so accustomed to the coldness of their faith, they have become relaxed in it. This morning, I want us to examine the effects of staying too long in “Cold Christianity.”
Cold Christianity
Scripture Reference: Matthew 24:4-14
Preached at Mount Zion Baptist Church on August 4, 2019
Delivered by Rev. John Daniel Johnson
Before Service Starts---
Light a candle and have it burning throughout the service. As the wax moves further from the flame, it begins to drip downwards and grows cold.
A few weeks ago, I attended some training for my police job up north. For a straight week, pretty much 90% of our day consisted of being outside, running, jumping, shooting, and learning tactical movements. Those of you who are accustomed to the air conditioner, like me, can most likely relate. That sun was extremely hot. That first day was completely miserable. Not only was it in the 90’s (degrees) the whole day, but it rained non-stop. As the old saying goes, “If it’s not raining, we’re not training,” really applied. I was soaked the whole day. Every time the rain did stop, the humidity was terrible.
Day two rolled around and not a cloud in the sky. We just lived under the excruciating sun. Temperatures reached 100 degrees on the range. I was staying with some family, and when I got back to their house that night, my daughter (who went with me to the training) asked, “Daddy was it raining again today?”I had to explain, “Nope, this time I’m soaked with sweat.”
Before the end of that 2nd day, many of us in the class were talking about what we really wanted. Some of us wanted a bath in cold water. One guy wanted to walk out into the local fish pond to cool off. A course a couple of guys wanted a beer, but one guy really stood out. He exclaimed, “I just want a snow cone.”
When day three rolled around, and our breaktime came, we witnessed this particular guy go to this vehicle and open his cooler. Out of his cooler he picked up a “snow cone.” Every break, like clockwork, he’d leave the group, go to his vehicle, get a snow cone, return to the group, sit down, and start eating the snow cone in front of us.
He probably had 50 snow cones throughout the rest of the week. I kept noticing something though; not just the thought of eating 50 snow cones! This guy didn’t help out very much. He constantly complained about the heat. He never helped set up the range. He never really wanted to spend time with the group learning new things. He was very lazy and lethargic. All he wanted to do was have a break so he could eat a snow cone. He was so accustomed to the cold, that he was worthless in the heat.
Transitional Sentence
I believe that today there are so many people who claim the name of Christianity who are so accustomed to the coldness of their faith, they have become relaxed in it. This morning, I want us to examine the effects of staying too long in “Cold Christianity.”
Read Scripture
“Lawlessness will abound”— not being constrained by the law; breaking the rules on purpose; complete disregard for moral and civil laws governing people.
“Will wax cold”— lose interest, show no motivation, showing lack of care.
Things that must happen before the end.
1) Persecution of Believers
2) Increase of False Teachers and Many Will Be Deceived
3) People Will Hate and Despise Each Other
4) People Will Abandon God's Principles & Laws
5) The Love of Many Will Wax Cold
When You're Cold...
1) Your Ears are Affected
Sometimes a cold virus causes a buildup of fluid in the middle ear, making it difficult for sounds to travel efficiently from the outer ear to the eardrum
2) Your Nose is Affected
Another common reason for a cold nose is reduced blood flow to the skin of the nose. If your nose feels cold for much longer than the rest of your body, you may have reduced blood flow to your nose.
There are many causes for reduced circulation, and it may be a sign of another health issue — although, for most people, a cold nose isn’t related to any major health problem.
3) Your Feet are Affected
Cold weather injuries such as frostbite are a common concern for people who work outdoors during the winter or engage in outdoor winter activities. These injuries can range from mild to severe, with some of the more serious cases requiring amputation and rehabilitation. It is important to recognize the early sign of frostbite to avoid permanent injury.
4) Your Hands are Affected
Having cold hands at all times usually occurs due to decreased blood flow to the hands. Our bodies keep our hands warm primarily by regulating the blood flow that travels from the heart, down the arm, all the way to our fingertips. More blood to the hands means pink, warmer hands; less blood flow means colder and sometimes painful hands.