
Summary: When we come in the Name of A Prophet, The Gift of The Prophet, The Office of The Prophet, be VERY SURE God said EXACTLY what you’re saying! For there is a reason why we are in this place and position we are in.

“Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after.” Did you ever wonder what kind of hill it was that Jack and Jill had to climb if they couldn’t make it up without cracking their skulls?

King David gets straight to the point when he writes: “3 Who may ascend the hill of the LORD? Who may stand in his holy place? 4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear by what is false” (Psalm 24:3, 4). Jack and Jill may have had a hard time climbing because they weren’t wearing the right shoes. Trying to negotiate a boulder-strewn hill in flip-flops, for example, is a sure recipe for a busted ankle. If you want to ascend the hill of the Lord, however, it’s not about having the right shoes; it’s about having the right hands and heart - clean hands and a pure heart to be exact.

Microscopic germs cling to your hands - germs that cause colds and other sicknesses. But God isn’t so much concerned about the germs that cling to our hands; he’s more disturbed by the sins that dirty them

CLEAN HANDS COUNT.... spiritual health is within your hands

If you don't want to reap it, then whatever you do don't sow it!

Because, it may not be today, it may not be tomorrow, it may not even be this year, but one day there's a harvest coming ....

When we come in the Name of A Prophet, The Gift of The Prophet, The Office of The Prophet, be VERY SURE God said EXACTLY what you’re saying! For there is a reason why we are in this place and position we are in.

How you will know the True Prophets of God, will be by the order in which they speak! They will give Divine Directives that will bring clarity to what you’ve been asking with clear strategies that will comfortably and confidently walk you out with clean hands!

DIRTY ... Hands have a SMELL and leave residue that can & will contaminate a situation and cause unnecessary issues in the kingdom

it’s NOT always the devil, witchcraft or witches fighting against you or your church it’s your dirty hands/ lifestyle.

We break our own heart and allow others to sabotage what God has given us by giving people with DIRTY HANDS access to it!

To keep people in perspective, you have to keep your DISCERNMENT in tact.

the Spirit of the Lord is saying, “Guard your HEART AND MIND.”

There WILL BE nice nasty people in your midst. They’re nice to your face but they plant seeds of division behind your back. These are familiar see them but you don’t want to believe what you see because you want them to be somebody they’re not.

The Bible declares, “...God knows the secrets of the heart” (Psalm 44:21). Stop making excuses for their abuses. God is showing you what their secrets are through their behavior...the Holy Spirit can’t protect you if you reject what God shows you.

to discern good and evil, your senses have to be trained (Hebrews 5:14).

When God is training US in nice nasty warfare...He will give you information, He will reveal dirty hands that appear clean, He will send folks to tell you what’s being done in the dark to build up your confidence to trust what He tells you in the spirit.


Get out of our emotions, look and listen to what the spirit is telling you. You have to learn how to see people to know how to handle people.

You can’t be blessed when you can’t see mess.

All day long as a leader, people and the mission make a series of withdrawals from you: someone needs to meet with you, another person needs counseling, a third needs advice, a fourth wants to get that report done asap.

If you think of your life as a leader like a bank account, the problem eventually becomes the ratio of deposits to withdrawals. Over the long run, if you make more withdrawals than deposits, you go bankrupt.

That’s exactly what happens to far too many leaders.

The withdrawals that happen to you in life and leadership are inevitable. You can manage them well or poorly

Here’s the thing, though: the withdrawals never go away.

It’s our responsibility to make the deposits.

This means applying the spiritual disciplines, physical disciplines, financial disciplines and the discipline to get the help you need to resolve your emotional and personal issues.

I never want to lose my passion. In fact, I’m praying that it intensifies as I grow older in everything I pursue.

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