
Claiming Your Divine Inheritance

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 8, 2023
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Every child of God who has been redeemed has a divine heritage in Him - possessions of immense and immeasurable value.

Title: Possessing Your Inheritance


The Bible clearly presents a battle between two kingdoms: the kingdom of God, characterized by light and righteousness, and the kingdom of the devil, characterized by darkness and evil. As believers, we have a supernatural heritage in God, filled with valuable possessions. Unfortunately, many are unaware of this truth and accept their current undesirable circumstances as their lot from God. However, this is a lie from the devil. Every child of God has the right to possess their inheritance.

1. The Power of God for Deliverance

Deliverance means being completely freed from the yokes and burdens imposed by the demonic kingdom through the anointing of the Holy Spirit. It encompasses liberation from sin, sickness, afflictions, demonic oppression, curses, evil covenants, and negative cycles. Deliverance is essential for living a holy life and possessing our possessions. By calling upon the name of the Lord and exercising the authority given to us as believers, we can experience deliverance.

2. The Grace of God for Holiness

Holiness involves living a life that pleases God and aligns with His will. It is only possible through salvation and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Holiness becomes easier after deliverance from demonic oppression and is necessary for sustaining our freedom. It grants us favor with God and protects us from satanic attacks. We can access the grace needed for holiness through fellowship with God.

3. The Mercy of God for Possessing our Possessions

God has a plan for each of our lives, filled with blessings and inheritance. He desires to provide for our spiritual, financial, material, and emotional needs. However, possessing these blessings requires understanding and action on our part. We must seek spiritual understanding to unlock the storehouse of our possessions in Christ. Possession requires dominion over the enemy and a strong belief in God's promises. By stepping out in faith, we can move from our current state to God's ultimate best for us.

Reasons for Inability to Possess our Possessions

1. Ignorance of our possessions and their availability to us.

2. Fear of the unknown or impending danger.

3. Allowing the enemy to gain control over our possessions.

4. Losing possessions through carelessness or a carefree attitude.

5. Lack of readiness or preparation to receive our possessions.

6. Doubt and unbelief in God's ability to fulfill His promises.

Realities to Possess our Possessions

1. Trust in the power of God, recognizing His abundance and ability to exceed our expectations.

2. Believe and hold onto God's promises concerning our lives.

3. Confess victories and blessings in Christ, speaking positively about our future.

4. Boldly claim our divine inheritance, knowing that God has equipped us to receive it.

5. Engage in spiritual warfare, using the weapons provided by God to forcefully lay hold of His blessings.


As believers, we have a supernatural heritage in God, filled with valuable possessions. It is crucial to understand and actively pursue these blessings. Through deliverance, holiness, and a firm belief in God's promises, we can possess our possessions and experience the abundant life God has prepared for us. Let us step out in faith, trusting in His power and grace, and boldly claim what is rightfully ours in Christ.

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