
Summary: The only pit we are stuck in is the one we don't recognize the hand of God reaching towards us.

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In many ways, much of life is set up like the challenge. We are given a problem in life and we have to solve it. However as Christians I would suggest we also have to look at the puzzle a little differently. How will this situation demonstrate faith to those around us? Let’s face it..Everyone has 3 Problems. Sometimes we can trade but most the time, a problem or challenge is point where we can learn more about our faith and our God. Problems are the place where we are called to exercise our faith. It’s easy to praise Jesus when it’s all good. But authentic faith happens when it’s hard,

The big problem in the text today is the fact that the rebellious Jeremiah has been provoking the powers that be and they don’t like it so four very powerful men throw Jeremiah into the cistern to die. Hence, the problem might be the men. It also could be the fact that Jeremiah is in a Cistern. A cistern is a big muddy hole in the ground with no way out. Or the biggest problem could be Jeremiah’s spiritual condition in the hole in the ground.

Unfortunately, we are really told how Jerry was doing with that. We only know that an old friend from the neighborhood, a eunuch serving the king has heard of Jerry’s predicament and decided to do something about it. Subsequently, we have Jerry getting hoisted out of the hole with cushy armpit holders by 30 volunteers. However, I think the most important part of the story is Jeremiah’s attitude throughout. He must not have said anything to profound because we don’t have it documented but maybe he wasn’t supposed to because it was an example for us to follow. You see, in Jer 1:19 (read) where God tells the Jeremiah that He will protect him always. He wasn’t kidding around. God’s promises mean a great deal. In fact, they are everlasting. Jeremiah knew this in the deep recesses of his soul. As I stand before you today, I know the world, the church and maybe some of you aren’t sure of God’s love. They are all in the cistern.

I think the world outside the doors of the church is suffering from a feeling of being down and out. The world is in its own cistern. We have people who are struggling with all kinds of actions that the world ostracizes them for: from being economically challenged (unemployed and underemployed), overweight, uneducated, emotional, whatever, to being the strong person who thinks they don’t need anybody else. The reality is though that in all our lives there are Ebed’s who are called to be the hands and feet of the king. To find the Ebed’s in the world we just need to look to the homeless shelters, food pantries, para-church organizations and even churches with a social ministries who strive to help where they can.

There is also a cistern in the church. It’s the thought that it no longer has no value in the society. However, it’s just not true. I look around at the ministries of faith evangelical church and there is such a witness here. It’s doing amazing activities around the world through our missions program and right here where we are connecting most often. We have a children’s church every other week, Kids at the Korner events, summer Sunday school, an active youth group who feeds the homeless, serves where they can and raises money for the less unfortunate. We have coffee houses and youth group. We have discussion groups and bible studies. We have Children’s choirs, adult choirs, praise teams, woman’s salad suppers, community prayer moments, community concerts, health fairs, we offer God’s resources to those in need both spiritual and physical. It can be overwhelming. However, it is the church at work?

Someone asked me the other day what I thought my role in the church has been and I said, “I feel my role has been to say with confidence that, “Yes we can and yes let’s do it and yes God will.” I believe. I believe the church is powered by the Holy Spirit and it has been for some time. It is bigger than any one individual and it exists to serve a really big God.

I also believe some people live in a pit. It’s pit the evil one wants for them. Its a pit where the words: " You are not worthy. That you are not a good Christian. That what you do and say is not important." My role is to say don’t believe the lie. Don’t stay in the pit. There are people all over the church who want to lift you out. Don’t listen to the lie. You see you can never lift yourself out of the pit. You can never save your soul. A sick mind can not heal a sick mind. But a Jesus can save all of us. God sent him to die so you don’t have to stay in that pit.

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