
Summary: A description of the ways churches have mistreated people and turned them off when it comes to going to church. A word to these people on what to do.

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Bob Marcaurelle

Copyright 2010 by Bob Marcaurelle

“We must not give up assembling together as some people are in the habit of doing. We should encourage one another, especially since we see the day (of Christ’s coming) drawing near.” (Hebrews 10: 25)

Even in New Testament times, some believers had given up on the church. Like many today they felt they did not need it to live a good Christian life. It is easy to understand why.

My mother would not go to church because of the cruelty and dishonesty of “Christians” who worked with her. When I led her to Christ she joined my church.

When I was called to another state, she joined the First Baptist Church, right across from where she lived. Not one person from that church had ever visited her.

When I went home, I asked her if she liked it, and she said she would never go back. I asked why and she told me a story almost impossible to believe.

When she joined she was given a box of envelopes and a financial pledge card. I forget the figures but lets’ say in today’s world, she made $250 dollars a week and her pledge was $5.00.

She received a letter saying that the low amount of her pledge was no doubt an error, so they were sending her another card. I didn’t believe her, so she showed me the letter. Can you blame her for never going back?

A. Reasons Not To Go

1. Culture Influences Us (1 Corinthians 11-14)

Church people in Corinth were acting so wild in their services that Paul said a visitor would think they were drunk (1 Corinthians 14). They were patterning their behavior on the party like worship of Dianna.

The church reflects its culture. If you had been born in Mexico you would be a Roman Catholic, wearing beads and listening to sermons in Latin. That does not appeal to me, just like Baptists in the South do not appeal to a Roman Catholic.

A lot of people just don’t like the way people around them worship and get nothing out of it.

The church in America is far more cultural than spiritual. It is just a part of being an American. A national report in the 1970’s published in Moody Monthly, and a recent national survey by George Barna both affirmed that regular attendance at church makes almost no difference morally and ethically in those people lives.

They are just as likely to cheat on their spouses, steal from their employers, look down on people of other races, etc, as those who do not darken the doors of a church. Jesus called this hypocrisy – acting – playing a part. Watching us go to church, the world sings,

“They go to church on Sunday

In fine clothes attired

They’ll be back with us on Monday

It’s just a little habit they’ve acquired.”

2. Christian Culture Influences Us (Hebrews 10:25)

People as far back as New Testament times felt a person could be a good Christian without going to church. It has never been easier to believe that than now. England, in the 1800’s, had full churches every Sunday. People got tickets to Spurgeon’s church so they could find a seat.

Today less than 2% go to church on a regular basis. They are not irreligious. They talk about God and prayer and living right, but church is as outdated to them as riding in a horse drawn carriage.

This is happening in America, even though we are now frantically trying to attract people with loud music, praise and worship and the promise of a “good time” to all who come.

3. Cruelty in the Churches

The church is cruel to its members. The Jewish church not only had Jesus killed, the leaders went to Calvary to join in on the fun of mocking Him while He died (Matthew 27). Paul told the Christians in Galatia, “You bite and devour one another.” (Galatians 5). Paul himself was slandered by fellow Christian preachers all his life.

When he was in prison, awaiting possible death he wrote,

“(Some) preach Christ out of selfish ambition / supposing they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains / What does it matter? / Christ is preached and so I rejoice.” (Philippians 1:17-18).

The church is cruel to outsiders. It is often a closed community with a kind of country club atmosphere that know how to make people feel un-welcomed.

James talked of churches ushering wealthy people to their pews with a lot of fanfare and telling others, “Go sit over there.” (2:1-4).

The church knows how to keep undesirables at arm’s length. Author Tennessee Williams and his sisters visited a little church and the kids made fun of their clothes. Never again, he said, was he even tempted to go to church.

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