Church Hinderances
Contributed by Robert Laymance on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Some instances and obstacles the Church must deal with Today.
In the Church today, as a Pastor and Preacher there are times we are faced with hinderances to the worship service. As Sons of God, we are to keep on the firing line and be instant in season and out of season. Let’s look at a few things ALL of God’s men are faced with.
There is the pitch-fork listener who, when hearing the preached Word,throws it behind him and eventually the back row is filled up.
Maybe it’s like the deacon of this Church, who after hearing the message,always told the Preacher, you sure told them today Pastor. He did this every service. Then a weather related situation prevented all but this deacon and the Pastor to be there. The Pastor knowed that today this would be the deacons turn. After the message, the deacon said, if they had been here today Pastor, you could have told them.
The Church today is plagued with comfortability and the pleasures of this life. The sinner person out there is hearing and watching the Saved person in his day to day life and most of them cannot shine enough to lead others out of the darkness into THE marvellous Light.
1. Satan’s Devices..his tricks and schemes
a. un-forgiving attitudes...2-corin.2:10-11...luke.6:37...coloss.3:13...eph.4:32...
b. un-used abilities...coloss.4:17...1-corin.1:4-9...1-peter.4:10-11...
c. un-faithful abiding...john.15:4-6...james.1:25...james.2:17,26,..james.4:3...
2. Spiritual Deadness...1-samuel.4:21...2-tim.3:5
a. guilty of sins ( saints )..1-corin.5:1-2...2-tim.4:10...1-john.3:19-21...
b. grieving the Spirit..eph.4:30...heb.3:8-13...psalms.95:10..revel.3:15-17...
c. glorified sanctuaries...rev.3..the laodoceian church comments...john.2:20...
3. Sloth-ful Dedication...( half-way and not whole-hearted )
a. our devotions..acts.17:23...1-corin.8:3...
b. our duties..ecc.12:13...1-corin.3:..we are laborers...
c. our diligence...prov.4:23...2-peter1:4-5...
When the Church comes together in one accord and one mind, the Holy Spirit will do the work that We cannot and make our meetings WORSHIP SERVICES.