
Summary: The sermon describes the church at Corinth which is a church gone wild, but despite its wayward ways it is still a church that has grace, gifts, and guarantees.

1 Corinthians 1: 1-9. The Church Gone Wild

1. First let us consider some of the dysfunction's in the church at Corinth.

A. One might say they are the “The Church Gone Wild"

B. People are fighting over power

C. They abuse the sacraments, they sleep around

D. Suing each other, false teachers, and marriage falling apart.

2. Now let's consider how Pastor Paul helps the Dysfunctional church.

A. First I think Paul recognizes they are saved but still in need of Jesus Christ .

vs 5For in him you have been enriched in every way--in all your speaking and in all your knowledge

B. Paul helps the Dysfunctional church he claims there is still a miracle in this church

Paul writes 4I always thank God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus"It's as if he's making a point to say, "Despite the immorality, despite the gossip, despite the immaturity and selfishness on display church, I want it to be clear that I am still overjoyed at the miracle is in this church."

C. Paul made it clear that despite all that was broken in the

church, he was still deeply and truly satisfied with what God was accomplishing in the church.

3. Despite being a Church gone wild or dysfunctional they are a Church that functions as a result of


A. One reason they are functioning well is as a result of Grace

B. What makes a body of believers great is not the great things done by them, but the great mercy shown to them.

C. The primary reason Paul was overjoyed with the church at Corinth is because of the gift of faith and the flood of forgiveness that has washed over them. "I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that was given you in Christ Jesus ..." (v. 4 ESV).

Vs. 9 says, "God is faithful" Grace has given them Gods faithfulness One of the great functions in the church at Corinth is that God is Faithful and grace abounds, it flourishes, it overflows

4. Yes, although they are a church Gone Wild and dysfunctional they are a church that functioned as a

result of grace but they are also graced with gifts

A. The church at. Corinth had various gifts according to here are some that are mentioned throughout the book of Corinthians 1. Teaching 2. Helps (Ministering) 3. Administration 4. Evangelism. 5. Pastor-Teacher 6. Exhortation. 7. Giving. 8. Mercy 9. Faith 10. Celibacy

B. Many in Corinth were graced with the gift of Following Christ Evidences of God working in the life's of the Corinthians following Christ "Be ye followers of me , even as I also am of Christ . Now I praise you , brethren , that ye remember me in all things , and keep the ordinances , as I delivered them to you .-(I Cor. 11:1,3)

C. They were gifted with walking and living as a separate

" Wherefore come out from among them , and be ye separate , saith the Lord , and touch not the unclean

thing; and I will receive you ."-(2 Cor. 6)

D. They were gifted with the Fear of The Lord Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us

cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of God . (2 Cor. 7

5. The church at Corinth was dysfunctional but was still endowed with Grace, Gifts, and also


A. We guaranteed to be called as Saints vs 2

B. We are guaranteed to have grace and peace Grace be unto you , and peace , from God our Father ,

and from the Lord Jesus Christ . I thank my God always on your behalf , for the grace of God which is given you

by Jesus Christ ;

They were guaranteed to be enriched in speech and knowledge That in everything ye are enriched by him , in all utterance , and in all knowledge ;

One of the greatest guarantees is God

God is faithful , by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord .

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