
Summary: Exposition of John


A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you,

that you also love one another. 35 By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you

have love for one another.”

Farewell Address – 1st Command—Love One Another

1. Preliminaries

a. Glory of God/Jesus – 12:16, 23, 28 (3x)

b. Going, they can’t come – 7:34, 8:21

2. Follows Judas’ exit

a. Betrayal Prediction/Understanding

b. Last Supper

c. Foot washing

d. Coming Confusion/concern mission


“a circle of Christ-followers who invest in

one another as Christ has invested in them,

who exhibit love, not based on mutuality or

attractiveness of its members, but on the model

of Christ, who washed the feet of everyone,

including Judas.”

The new command is simple enough for a

toddler to memorize and appreciate, profound

enough that the most mature believers are

repeatedly embarrassed at how poorly they

comprehend it and put it into practice

How had He loved them? Jesus Books

1. Shared life with them (went fishing)

a. Very early, nets on other side

b. Spent TIME with them

c. How much w/another believer?

d. Not something that you can do with

being a Sunday morning believer. But it

is something that can be done as a Sun

morn attender & full time follower

e. This is why God let us enjoy…

2. Went to social functions with them

a. Wedding at Cana

b. Had to turn down invite to Braves

c. Do you despise weddings/funerals?

3. Concerned about their physical needs

a. He made the disciples get rest/food

b. Have to be around enough to notice

c. Have to be willing to do something

d. What do you do if you get “fine”?

The New King James Version. 1982. Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

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4. Provided is some small way

a. Paid for Peter’s taxes

b. Ever paid for another’s taxes? Lunch?

c. Every sent another on vacation?

d. Had one of you give to another…

5. Prayed with them

a. Garden, in the room for the girl

b. Not ever seen in synagogue…

c. Ever stopped by to pray with…?

d. Email, cards, phone calls, revival prayer

6. Cared for their family and friends

a. Peter’s MIL, Levi’s sinner party

b. Pretty good at hospital for us…

c. What could you do to show that you

care that is above and beyond?

7. Walked with them

a. Everywhere they went, He was there

b. He knew all their language, music, ex

c. He knew their pain, heartache, needs

8. Talked with them

a. He didn’t avoid the tough conversation

b. He didn’t avoid them

c. He didn’t always keep it light

d. He was real and honest

e. Love is real life, caring is tears/fears

9. Taught them

a. Shared knowledge

b. We can learn from each other

c. Often is how we share, chopped lady

10. Gave them the inside track

a. Told them what outsiders couldn’t

b. Our conversations are mostly earthly

c. Two children fighting, solution: Jesus

11. Gave them prophetic blessings

a. Jesus did this for Peter & children

b. God may lay upon u burden 4 another

c. Fred laying hands on my children

d. Great love in physical touch

e. This is not simply a super-spiritual,

charismatic, or crazy, thing, only lost

12. Granted them apostolic/ministry authority

a. Obviously we don’t make apostles

b. But we can encourage ministry, Heb 10

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