
Summary: Before you choose a religion, you need to know about the person who is centred around (icon) in that religion. Ask yourself, what good qualities you can follow in that leader. Why did he come? How did he live? What did he teach? Where did he come? Where did he go?

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Look for Ten good qualities in that leader. Look for ten good qualities of the followers. Look for ten good qualities of that religion or faith.

Ask yourself again, where would you end up if you follow that person and his teachings in your life. You are trusting someone completely and following that person for your eternal destiny. This is the most important decision you take in your life. Any decision in your physical life can be changed, though you may suffer or lose something for the wrong decisions you had taken in the past. But when it comes to your spiritual life, the destiny can’t be reverted! You have no second chance!

Is Christianity unique, or is it just one of many other ways of faith in the world to reach God and the Truth? Does Christianity truly stand out among the many religions around the world? If it does, then what makes it so? If you are a genuine truth-seeker, with a little effort on your part will bring the truth closer to you.

A Christian makes several claims that others do not. Firstly, all other religions teach man to reach up to God through their own efforts of sacrifices and good deeds. Christianity is the only way of faith where one believes God reached down to man. Secondly, other religions profess systems of do-s and don’ts to please God; but Christianity reveals a wonderful relationship of man with God when he or she believes in the Lord Jesus Christ and His teachings.

Thirdly, Christians consider the Bible as the only source of Truth and the infallible Word of God. God has preserved His Word despite the unintentional failings and intentional attacks of human beings. There is absolutely no evidence that the Bible has been revised, edited, or tampered with in any systematic manner. The sheer volume of biblical manuscripts makes it simple to recognize any attempt to distort God’s Word.

Every single religious leader and social reformers died, and none had ever come back to life and made a claim that he is alive. Unlike any other religion, only in Christianity, the Lord Jesus Christ claimed to be God, performed many miracles to prove His claim of divinity, died and rose from the dead, and claimed that He alone is “the way the truth and the life” (John 14:6) and that no one comes to the Father except through Him.

Christianity is the only religion which talks about the mystery of having a direct relationship with God. Other religions give us a list of things to do and not to do. Some religions call them laws or pillars. Christians are the only people who follow a leader who died and came back to life. All other religious leaders were dead and are lying in their graves. Men have been putting their efforts in looking for Jesus’ body remains for hundreds of years, and they still haven’t found Him! With all the advancements in scientific technology, no one has been able to solve this “mystery” in the world of science. The tomb is empty, and the body is not hidden and will never be found because Jesus rose from the dead.

Another fundamental difference is this. If you study the life of any religious leader, you will find many flaws in their personal life. They were born, lived and died like any other human being. Some of them were probably good externally and had words of human wisdom which identified them to be superior to others. But in their personal daily life, they failed in their behaviour very often. By reading their life stories, people can find many faults with them. But Jesus Christ was different. Since the day He was born until the time He died, no one ever could find a single fault in his personal or social life. What He preached was He. If you are a truth seeker and honest in your approach- you will find out Jesus Christ stands out from all others!

Let’s summarise the major differences between other religions and Christianity

In Judaism, if a person wants to make it to heaven, they must be righteous (obey all the Torah i.e. the law of Moses), this includes having to practice deeds of lovingkindness to others.

In Buddhism, if a person wants to attain nirvana, the place of perfect peace and happiness, they must walk the eightfold path.

In Islam, if a person wants to get to heaven, they must perform the five pillars, or other good works so that their good deeds outweigh their bad deeds in the final judgment.

In Hinduism, if a person wants to achieve moksha, which is freedom from the reincarnation cycle, they need to be released from the cycle of death and rebirth by achieving one or more of the four paths that are described in Hinduism. These paths or yoga are devotion, knowledge or intellect, selfless service and meditation.

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