
Summary: What is the difference between Obligation letter and Man? The answer is quite simple, an Obligation letter has a set date; Man has no set date where he automatically becomes mature. In other words,

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(Romans 12:1-2)

What is the difference between Obligation letter and Man? The answer is quite

simple, an Obligation letter has a set date; Man has no set date where he automatically

becomes mature. In other words, if you had been a Christian for a long time you are still

not necessarily more mature than a newborn Christian.

You could be an ex-Sunday school teacher, or ex-staff, or even ex-deacon, but

that doesn?t promise maturity in Christ. Spiritual maturity is measured by responsibility

to Lord Jesus. What portion of our life is offered to God? And how much is for our own


After Paul wrote the opening statement of his letter to the Romans, the rest is all

about doctrines. He has taught how one could be made righteous, and how to stay that

way before God. Paul defended God?s truth that is free and absolute without a doubt.

Starting chapter 12, he talks about practical things, to emphasize the importance of duty

to readers as Christians.

Paul beseeched you therefore, by the mercies of God, that you, Christians, present

your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable

service. There are two „living sacrifices? in the Bible; both help us understand what is

really meant by „living sacrifice?. The first, is Isaac (Genesis 22), and the second is Lord

Jesus Christ. Isaac was willing to go up the hill with his father, Abraham and he was

surely about to die in his obedience to God, but the Lord sent a sheep in his place. Isaac

died for himself and was willing to give himself to God. Jesus himself is the perfect

illustration of a „living sacrifice? because He actually died because of His obedience to

God. He rose again and now He is a „living sacrifice before God?, a sacrifice which is

sacrificed only once and for all.

“Christian or Hypocrite”. The brand and shape could be the same, but the content

is different. The quality is different. Its durability is also different. If it was food, then the

taste would be different too. If it was a drug, then its effectiveness would be quite

different. There are three things that apostle Paul taught in relation to being a “Christian

or Hypocrite”:

1. Be not conformed to this world

We often like to be called “Christian”. In our pocket, in our ID, we are Christian. But

so far, have we been truly Christian? The word “Christian” means Christ? follower. In

other words, we have a role model that must be followed, namely Jesus Christ Himself.

Christ becomes the model of our life. Christ sets the mark of each one of our footstep.

But we always appear no different than those who have not believed, such that people

cannot differentiate Christians from non-Christians. Our actions and vocabulary are not

any different than them. What?s worst is when one claims to be Christian yet his actions

are worse than nonbelievers.

Unconsciously we do many things that do not reflect us as Christians. It?s just as

if our Christianity has faded. Quantitatively we are indeed Christian, yet qualitatively we

are not. In church we might be nice, but at home, at work, at campus and other places we

change. What is most embarrassing is when people cannot hide their bad side even at

church. Such Christians are called “chameleons”.

Once again apostle Paul said: “be not conformed to this world”. Often times we

are trapped and we fail to heed this warning, right? At work, it is not wrong to work hard

for money, but when one forgets to go to church, that?s too much. As for dancing and

shopping around, we feel it is easier to spend a lot for those things than for church. On

campus, we often times want to take the easy way out, if possible without studying by

buying grades and diploma.

In terms of clothing, we never prohibit you from keeping up with style, but

choose the appropriate styles as a Christian. I once saw a young lady with a very short

skirt that she is uncomfortable. She has to watch herself when she sits and stands up.

Every other minute she pulls down her skirt, but her skirt is too short so it won?t unless

it?s taken off. Imagine if a Christian wore such a short skirt to church. What will happen?

Imagine also if such person comes in late to church. The minister will surely get

distracted by such look and conduct.

Apostle Paul said, don?t be like that … live in holiness. Holiness here means

“separated for God”. There?s an original context and it means to be different than the fake

one. In this respect, one needs determination and self-surrender, readiness to be shaped

and transformed so that he can be of integrity.

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