
Summary: Sermon on Christain Conduct

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As we get back into our series of messages on the book of Philippians this morning I just want to briefly look at how we arrived to the point we are now at.

Three weeks ago we as you may or may not recall we discusses Paul’s perspective on life and death. Paul make mention the for him to "live is Christ and to die was gain". And when we have the Lord Jesus as our Saviour and we are living Christ, then we can certainly say that to die, and be present with the Lord, is certainly gain. Yet while we are here on earth out life needs to revolve around Christ and how to serve Him.

I think we can make the following comparisons;


Tent Mansion, permanent abode

Suffering mixed with joy Joy Alone

Suffering for a time J Joy eternally

Absent from the Lord Forever with the Lord

The fight The feast

Realm of sin Realm of Holiness

So we can that for the believer death certainly is gain.

So after giving his perspective on life and death Paul turns his attention to admonishing the Philippians to have that same lifestyle or conduct. And it is that Christian lifestyle that we will deal with today.

Please turn with me to Philippians chapter 1 verse 27-28,

"Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of your affairs, that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel, and not in any way terrified by your adversaries, which is to them a proof of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that from God."

In looking this verse I want you to notice the first word "ONLY". Paul states that whether he lives or dies, whether he remains captive or free, whether he is able to come see them or not, "Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Jesus." Paul is saying that no matter what happens to him, they must have one desire, one aim, and that is to live like Christians. Their conduct should not be depend on circumstances. Regardless of what happened to Paul, of what happened to them, "ONLY" let their conduct be worthy of Christ.

Our conduct as well needs to reflect the faith we have in Jesus. People seem to judge Christianity by the people who adhere to it. While this certainly is a reasonable response, Christianity is not how Christians act, Christianity is Christ. But that does not excuse us from not acting in a way which reflect our faith.

Say you were pulled over by a police officer for speeding. I know that it would never happen to any of you because you all go the speed limit. But say this policemen pulled you over came up to your car and said, "Look, we can forget about this whole thing it you give me $25". Most of us would be pretty shocked. We would think to ourselves what kind of cop is this. His behavior would certainly not be worthy of the law which he represents but it does not take away from the law itself.

And that is how it needs to be with us. People may see us do certain things and thing, boy that’s not how Christian’s should act, that conduct is not worthy of Christ. While we may be wrong in our actions they do not take away from the worth of Christ. Just as a dishonest police officer does not take away for the worth of the law he is supposed to uphold. So I encourage you as Paul does, let your conduct be worthy of Christ.

The beginning of verse 27 literally reads in Greek, "Perform your duties as a citizen". Paul is stating that the Philippian people need to act like good citizens. And later on in the letter he

tells them where their and our citizenship is, Philippians 3:20 "For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ,"

We are citizens of Heaven living on earth. For the Christian, the person who has put the faith in Christ, this world is not our home, we are just passing through. We are aliens her on earth, we are foreigners. Our citizenship Paul states is in heaven, that is the believers ultimate home.

And because we are citizens of heaven we are regulated by that laws of heaven. Being citizens of Heaven means we are to obey God’s laws, we are to be good citizen, citizens who conducts is worthy of heaven. Conduct which worthy of Him who rules in Heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ.

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