Christ: The Shepherd
Contributed by Dr. Jeremy Simpson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The Twenty-Third Psalm no doubt is the most universal Scripture known. It has been called the Pearl of the Psalms. It is closely connect with what has just gone before and what follows immediately behind. Psalms 22, 23, 24 all speak of a definite work
Introduction: The Twenty-Third Psalm no doubt is the most universal Scripture known. It has been called the Pearl of the Psalms. It is closely connect with what has just gone before and what follows immediately behind. Psalms 22, 23, 24 all speak of a definite work of Christ. These three show Christ in his work as the Shepherd.
1. In Psalm 22 He is the Good shepherd that gave his life for the Sheep. John 10:11 “I am the good shepherd: the
good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.”
2. In Psalm 23 He is the Great Shepherd that guides and guards us through life’s mountains and valleys. Hebrews
13:20 “Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the
sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant.”
3. In Psalm 24 He is the Glorious (Chief) Shepherd that will return, reign, and reward his sheep. I Peter 5:4 “And
when the chief shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.”
a. In Psalm 22 the Good Shepherd is Crucified for Sinners
In Psalm 23 the Great Shepherd is Caring for the Sheep
In Psalm 24 the Glorious Shepherd is Coming for the Saints
b. A Comparison of the 22, 23, 24 Psalms
Psalms 22 Psalm 23 Psalm 24
Saviour Shepherd Sovereign
Cross Crook Crown
Grace Guidance Glory
Past Present Future
Provision Protection Prospect
Substitute Shepherd Sovereign
Yesterday Today Forever
c. Another Outline of Psalm 22, 23, and 24
1. Psalm 22 - The Shepherd’s Cross
a. He Sought us
b. He Suffered for us
c. He Saved us
d. He Satisfies us
e. He Shelters us
2. Psalm 23 - The Shepherd’s Crook
a. He Girds the Sheep
b. He Guards the Sheep
c. He Guides the Sheep
d. He Goads the Sheep
3. Psalm 24 - The Shepherd’s Crown
a. He Returns for the Sheep
b. He Rewards the Sheep
c. He Reigns over the Sheep
d. Another Outline of Psalm 22, 23, and 24
1. The Saviour on a Cross took care of my Past
2. The Shepherd as Companion takes care of my Present
3. The Soveriegn as Conqueror takes care of my Future
4. The Author of Psalm 23 is David. His autograph is on every verse, on the Human side. He was a shepherd lad
whom God made King of Israel, so he knew whereof he spoke when he wrote about the Shepherd and his sheep.
No doubt David penned this Psalm toward the close of his life as his strength began to fail, his eyes dim, and his
mind wandered back over his past life. It is evident in this Psalm that David had not forgotten his shepherd days.
5. This Psalm has been called the “the sweetest song ever sung”, “The Psalm everybody knows”, “The Song of the
Souls of Men”.
6. Psalm 23 is a harp of six strings (Six Verses) and she’s tuned to play for eternity.
7. The Psalm can be divided into three parts - Vs. 1-2 - The Shepherd
Vs. 3-4 - The Guide
Vs. 5-6 - The Host
8. Great Outline by Harold B. Sightler on Psalm 23
a. Believe Me -- The Lord is my Shepherd
b. Beneath Me -- Are Green Pastures
c. Beside Me -- Are Still Waters
d. Before Me -- He prepares me a Table in the Presence of mine enemies
e. Behind Me -- Goodness and Mercy shall Follow me
f. Beyond Me -- And I shall dwell in the House of the Lord Forever
9. Psalm 23 is a personal Psalm.
a. There is a flock implied in these verses, yet it is not in full view, only the Lord and the writer.
b. Spurgeon called this Psalm the “He-Me” Psalm. The reason is because David refers to himself 17 times and
13 times to the Lord in just 6 verses.
c. I’m glad that you are saved and I’m glad you know the Shepherd. But more than that I’m glad that the Lord is MY Shepherd!!!
I. Divine Person - The Lord
II. Divine Possession - My Shepherd
III. Divine Promise - I Shall not Want
IV. Divine Peace - Green Pastures and Still Waters
V. Divine Prosperity - He Restoreth my Soul
VI. Divine Presence - Thou are with Me
VII. Divine Pledge - Thy rod and thy staff
VIII. Divine Provision - Thou Preparest a Table
IX. Divine Power - Thou Anointest my Head with Oil
X. Divine Plenty - My Cup Runneth Over
XI. Divine Preservation - Goodness and Mercy
XII. Divine Prospect - I will Dwell
XIII. Divine Permanence - Forever