
Summary: End Time Last (A) - Christ the King will return to judge. The "goats" will be forever punished. The "sheep" will be forever in heaven.

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November 25, 2007 -


Matthew 25:31-46

INTRO: Scripture is very clear in teaching that Christ will return as the King to judge the living and the dead. The second coming of the Son of God will not be as Savior but as Judge. Chapter 25 of Matthew reveals that simple and true message to all of mankind with three different parables. Still some deny this truth. Unbelievers do not want to see the Lord Jesus return as Judge. Others reject the whole truth of God’s divine and holy word. God’s truth still and always remains the truth. Christ Jesus has the power to return at the appointed as the Judge. God has revealed this truth. "For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to all men by raising him from the dead"(ACTS 17:31).


I. The “goats” will be forever punished.

II. The “sheep” will be forever in heaven.


A. Jesus ends chapter 25 with another parable. Jesus is answering the question of his disciples.

1. In Matthew 24:3 the disciples asked when and what signs would indicate the end of the age?

2. Verse 32 states that all nations will be gathered. This is quite a scene to see at the Last Day.

3. All nations are be separated, verse 33. The left and right = dishonor, disfavor and honor, favor.

B. We look at the goats first. They are on the left = dishonor and disfavor. They are cast away, verse 41.

1. The goats go to eternal punishment prepared for the devil and his angels.

2. This punishment is eternal. This torment of the unbelieving soul will never, ever end.

C. Jesus explains why they are punished in verses 42,43. They did not have love or faith in their hearts.

1. Verse 44 reveals their unfaithfulness. They never saw Jesus (= anyone) in need.

2. They speak their own condemnation. Jesus re-emphasizes their eternal fate, verse 45.

D. The goats are unbelievers – plain and simple. They represent those who are faithless and selfish. We find such people in our world today. They seem to surround and almost smother Christianity. More and more deny Christ and his saving work. Some blame the pastor and turn away from the church. Others blame the institution of the church and turn away. More and more speak out against God in unbelief and or anger. "(The Lord is coming) to judge everyone, and to convict all the ungodly of all the ungodly acts they have done in the ungodly way, and of all the harsh words ungodly sinners have spoken against him"(JUDE 15). Christ the King will return to judge. The end will come. There will be no escape.

E. Make no mistake the step from faith into unbelief is not very far from any one of us. The evil that is in the world lurks in the hearts of everyone. It is by grace through faith that we know what is right and wrong. It is by grace through faith that we walk in the footsteps of Jesus rather than the world. But it is also absolutely vital that we pay attention to those temptations that Satan would use to lead us astray. Here is a list that describes people during the end times of this world. "People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good"(2 TIMOTHY 3:2,3). Yes, this description fits the wicked world perfectly. We are not exempt. More often than we might be ready to admit these very same sins infect and affect us. Christ the King will return to judge.

F. What is your picture of hell? We have been given different descriptions and ideas throughout the years. We picture Satan poking tormented souls with his sharp pitchfork. We see the flames as unbearable. Yes, these are interesting illustrations. The greatest punishment will be separation from God. On this side of eternity everyone benefits from God’s goodness – believer and unbeliever. The rain falls on the just and unjust. In hell, those tormented will be eternally tormented in knowing that no longer can they ever enjoy God’s goodness, presence, and power. "He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the majesty of his power"(2 THESSALONIANS 1:8,9).


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