Christ ,s Three Gifts.
Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: When we talk about the greatest gift man has ever known we can only at what God has done for us saved and sinner.
We give gifts to each other for many different things.
God gives us gifts for only one thing John 3:16
A. He gave his love at the cross (Gal:2-20)
1.Greater Love hath no man
2.Not just for one but for all
3.His Love reaches the whole world
4.His Love touches every mans heart
B.He gives his life from the throne (John 17:2)
1.Eternal gift from heaven
2.Life with no end
3.No pain sickness death
4.Never ending praise for ever and ever
C.He gives his liberty through the Gospel (Luke 4:18)
1.That anointing of the Holy Spirit
2.Healing man of sin and sickness
3,Power to preach his word to all
4.Praise God deliverance has come
"His love is to be Believed" (1John 3:23)
"His life is to be Received" (John 3:36)
"His Liberty is to be Enjoyed" (Gal:5-1)