Christ's Obedience To God's Will Series
Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: To show that CHRIST's obedience did it all for us, even abolishing the first covenant and establishing the second covenant.
Is CHRIST's obedience enough to save us?
To show that CHRIST's obedience did it all for us, even abolishing the first covenant and establishing the second covenant.
Hebrews 10:9 (Amplified Bible)
10:9 He then went on to say, Behold, [here] I am, coming to do Your will. Thus He does away with and annuls the first (former) order [as a means of expiating sin] so that He might inaugurate and establish the second (latter) order.
Hebrews 10:9 (New International Version)
10:9 Then he said, "Here I am, I have come to do your will." He sets aside the first to establish the second.
Thank You very much LORD JESUS for Your quick obedience, You have abolished the first covenant to establish the second covenant.
CHRIST's Obedience to GOD's will
Subtitle: Study on the Book of Hebrews
A. Date of writing: Before AD. 70
B. Style of writing: Best Greek style
C. Authorship: Not specific, but generally attributed to Apostle Paul. Can be also ascribed to Barnabas, Luke, Apollos
D. Audience: Hebrew Christians
E. Theme: Christ is superior to the prophets; Christ is superior to angels-J. Vernon McGee's Thru The Bible
F. Purpose: The chief doctrinal purpose of the writer was to show the transcendent glory of the Christian dispensation, as compared with that of the Old Testament.Thompson Chain - Bible Book Outlines
A. CHRIST fulfilled GOD's will
"He then went on to say, Behold, [here] I am, coming to do Your will."
The word "will" is "thelema" in Greek meaning:
1. what one wishes or has determined shall be done
2. will, choice, inclination, desire, pleasure
The word "do" or "fulfill" is "poieo" in Greek meaning:
1. to make
2. to do
CHRIST is the Only One who can really quickly obey, make and do GOD's will and not some men, with men it is impossible but with GOD all things are possible, since CHRIST is GOD all things are possible to Him.
Luke 18:27 (Amplified Bible)
18:27 But He said, What is impossible with men is possible with God.
If only the rich, young ruler trusts in JESUS as GOD, He would have the answer to his life's question, "what shall I do to inherit eternal life" because CHRIST as GOD can do the impossible for men to do, that is inherit eternal life.
Luke 18:18 (Amplified Bible)
18:18 And a certain ruler asked Him, Good Teacher [You who are essentially and perfectly morally good], what shall I do to inherit eternal life [to partake of eternal salvation in the Messiah’s kingdom]?
B. CHRIST sets aside the first will to establish the second/last will
"Thus He does away with and annuls the first (former) order [as a means of expiating sin] so that He might inaugurate and establish the second (latter) order."
The word "takes away" or "does away" is "anaireo" in Greek meaning:
1. to take up, to lift up (from the ground)
2. to take away, abolish
Hebrews 7:18-19 (Amplified Bible)
7:18 So a previous physical regulation and command is cancelled because of its weakness and ineffectiveness and uselessness—
7:19 For the Law never made anything perfect—but instead a better hope is introduced through which we [now] come close to God.
Hebrews 8:7-13 (Amplified Bible)
8:7 For if that first covenant had been without defect, there would have been no room for another one or an attempt to institute another one.
8:8 However, He finds fault with them [showing its inadequacy] when He says, Behold, the days will come, says the Lord, when I will make and ratify a new covenant or agreement with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah.
8:9 It will not be like the covenant that I made with their forefathers on the day when I grasped them by the hand to help and relieve them and to lead them out from the land of Egypt, for they did not abide in My agreement with them, and so I withdrew My favor and disregarded them, says the Lord.
8:10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will imprint My laws upon their minds, even upon their innermost thoughts and understanding, and engrave them upon their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.
8:11 And it will nevermore be necessary for each one to teach his neighbor and his fellow citizen or each one his brother, saying, Know (perceive, have knowledge of, and get acquainted by experience with) the Lord, for all will know Me, from the smallest to the greatest of them.
8:12 For I will be merciful and gracious toward their sins and I will remember their deeds of unrighteousness no more.