Christ's Entry Into Jerusalem
Contributed by Cesar Delgado on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: In these particulars section of scriptures show us about JESUS claims to be LORD and SAVIOR; and the misconception or misunderstanding of the crowds regarding the LORD’S MESSIAHSHIP.
John 12:12-19
(Matt. 21:1-11;Luke 19:28-40;Mark 11:1-11)
Good News Christian Fellowship
BUCAS. Daraga Albay
April 9, 2006
Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem began the last week of His life. It is what we call Holy Week or Palm Sunday. He had spent the night before (the Sabbath evening) in Bethany with Lazarus, Mary, and Martha (Jn.12:1).
In today’s message we will not just look at the account of Christ’s Triumphal Entry as recorded in John, but we will also briefly look at the three Gospel writers (Matthew, Mark, Luke) to get the whole picture. If we read these four Gospel, we find sometimes that in certain event only one of them writes about it. ). For example, the Parable of Good Samaritan, only Luke records that Parable. Matthew, Mark and John doesn’t say anything about it. The Parable of Ten Bridesmaids’, only Matthew records this story.
Sometimes there are instances where two or three evangelist recorded: Of Jesus birth that found both in Matthew and in Luke. Jesus’ baptism is recorded by Matthew, Mark and Luke.
Now the event that what was called Christ’ Triumphal entry, though we can’t find that words in the Bible, was recorded by all four of them. You will notice that these four has a different view or angle of what had happen. But it is the same event. We will take a look at these four Gospel so we will get the whole picture of.
Illustration: Mayon Volcano is famous for its beauty and near perfect symmetry, and stands out as one of the most striking geographical features and tourist attractions of the country. We may view its beauty in different angle. We may look at it from the east side. We may have a privilege to view it from the Northwest side were the Mayon Rest House is located 3-4kms from the crater or the south side were the church steeple of Cagsawa, the only landmark left of that village serves as a reminder of lahars which buried several villages, for a different view, yet it is the same volcano in different angle.
That’s what the Scriptures do for us too. The same JESUS, look at from different angle.
So this afternoon we will take a look at one event in Jesus’ life, His last week of His life that is recorded not only in the Gospel of John, but all four of them.
In these particulars section of scriptures show us about JESUS claims to be LORD and SAVIOR; and the misconception or misunderstanding of the crowds regarding the LORD’S MESSIAHSHIP.
Here is then His final offer of HIMSELF as KING. And those who say, “Hosanna in the highest,” will cry “crucify Him” in less than a week.
No one seems to have truly understood the nature of this event, as John makes evident in the next verses that we will see later.
Jesus Christ’s Triumphal Entry is a call to recognize Him as King of kings, and submit to Him as Lord of all.
But most spectators on that day missed the significance of Christ’s kingly procession. Faulty perceptions of Christ and His kingdom led to dangerous conclusions. And it still does. What do you think of Christ, the King?
Crowds gathered for the Passover (John 11:55)
Now let’ read John 11:55.
Note the words “the great crowds”: a great number of pilgrims were swarming into Jerusalem for the Passover. Josephus, the Jewish historian, has written that during the Passover the population of the city frequently rose to more than three million people. There were no hotels or motels to accommodate these vast numbers, so people camped out on the hillsides, stayed with friends, or borrowed homes. The mass of people gathered for that event can hardly be imagined. An exciting vacation and carnival- like atmosphere was bound to prevail over such a mob of people. Imagine what it would be like in this crowded and jam-packed city of Jerusalem.
In verses 56-57 religious leaders “kept looking for Jesus.”
By this time Jesus had become notorious throughout the whole countryside. He was the sensation of the nation, so much so that the Pharisees had put out a warrant for his arrest. As far as the Sanhedrin was concerned, he was Public Enemy No. 1. He was a treat to them. His popularity got increased because of His raising up Lazarus from the tomb.
Those who witness the raising of Lazarus are telling others about this miracle. Lazarus is walking about, very much alive. As more and more pilgrims begin to arrive in Jerusalem from afar, they hear about what has happened to Lazarus. One question is on the lips and in the minds of everyone in Jerusalem: “Will Jesus makes an appearance during Passover?” The excitement and sense of expectation is at an all-time high. It sets the stage for the triumphal entry of our Lord, which is tied very closely to the raising of Lazarus and its impact on the city of Jerusalem.