
Summary: Why don't people say "Christ is Risen" on Easter anymore? There is more concern about their Easter parties than on Jesus' resurrection. We cannot allow society to steal Easter from the church like it did with Christmas.

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Easter Sunday 2021

Christ is Risen!

Rev. Dr. Michael H. Koplitz

(Romans 6:4)

It was not that long ago. I remember joining my young family for Easter worship, and I heard people greeting each other in an unfamiliar way. I thought that on Easter, you would greet someone by saying "Happy Easter." You know, like Christmas. Ok, we say "Merry Christmas," but the word merry is just a synonym for happy, right? Then I wondered if this odd greeting was because the church we were at was in Dover, Pennsylvania's farmlands. After all, I lived in New York City and for a time in New Jersey. I did not attend church until after I was married. So going to church on that first Easter was a new experience.

People would say, "Christ is Risen!" They would respond, "He is risen indeed!" I first wondered whether these people understood basic English grammar because I thought Jesus died a long time ago. Since some of the folks I knew were very well educated, I had to ask Sandy (my spouse) what was going on. She explained it pretty well. Jesus Christ was crucified on Good Friday, and on Easter morning, He was found to have risen from the dead. The present tense is used because, in Christians' minds, He is alive and risen from the grave. The purpose of this saying was to glorify the risen Savior.

Well, this caught my attention, and I sat in the worship service listening to the singing and the preaching. Who was this Jesus that arose from the grave? The Bible reading said that the angel who met the visitors at the empty tomb told them to go out and say to His disciples that He had risen from the dead. I thought that the word of Jesus rising from the grave would be passed on throughout the generations. Seemed like a big deal.

That greeting has faded away. Now, most church folks speak about their new clothing, festive food, holiday programs, and their gifts to their children and grandchildren. I even heard one person talk about a giant bunny rabbit that left candy eggs for children. Of course, that's better than the pellets rabbits leave behind. It all seemed odd. If this Jesus was raised by God from the grave, shouldn't that be what people talk about? I learned that Jesus died and was raised from death to life by God the Father for the forgiveness of sin and eternal life. Isn't this more important than Peeps and Cadbury Easter eggs? Well, ok, even more critical than Cadbury mini-eggs. Of course, Jesus' risen for the forgiveness of sins is far more vital to focus on all the time than anything else. So, what was going on?

To me, it is sad that Christianity allowed Christmas to be taken over by our secular society. Christmas was initially called Christ's mass. It was a eucharistic worship where the followers of Jesus took communion for Jesus. But the secular society took it over. I wonder how many church folks know what Christmas was initially all about. Today it is about maxing out credit cards to buy stuff that will be used for a day or two. Ok, maybe three days. We lost Christmas to the secular world. It is the biggest selling season for stores in the year.

Do you know what the second most significant event for stores is? If you said Easter, you are correct. We cannot let society steal the meaning of Easter. The message of Christmas is somewhat obscure in our time. But we cannot let this happen to Easter. The world needs to hear about what happened that morning and what it means. It does not imply a new hat or shoes. It means that God loves us so much. How much does he love us, you ask? That He raised His Son Jesus from the dead back to life. Paul said in Romans 6:4

"As Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the father, even so we also should walk in the newness of life"

What does Easter mean to you? First, it is a mystery how God raised Jesus from the dead. You shouldn't be concerned about proving this fact. God raised Jesus from the dead. Period. It is a supreme truth that all who call themselves Christians must believe. If you don't think so, then you are not a follower of Jesus Christ. This ultimate truth must never be debated. There should not be any lengthy explanations for this truth. Either you believe the event, or you don't believe the event. There is no middle ground!

Jesus risen from the dead is the uncompromisingly accepted great climax of the truth of our faith. It is necessary for redemption, salvation, forgiveness, and eternal life. Period. If there was no empty open grave, then there is no opening in Heaven to receive us. If there were was no resurrection, then there is no risen Christ. Therefore, there are no Christians. There would not have been any signs of hope in this world.

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