Christ Is Risen!
Contributed by Dennis Selfridge on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: What the Resurrection means to us
1 Corinthians 15:3-8, 17, 20-22, 56, 57 CHRIST IS RISEN!
This Easter morning is a celebration of the fact that Christ rose from the dead. If there is one truth as necessary as the fill in for us death of Christ on the cross, it is the resurrection of Christ from the tomb. The great news, however is that Christ indeed is raised from the dead. 1 Cor. 15:3-4 “I passed on to you the most important points of doctrine that I had received: Christ died to take away our sins as the Scriptures predicted. He was placed in a tomb. He was brought back to life on the third day as the Scriptures predicted.” 300 prophecies fulfilled in the life of Christ on earth. 1 Cor. 15:20 “But now Christ has come back from the dead. He is the very first person of those who have died to come back to life.” This little verse tells us three important things about the resurrection. It tells of:
THE RAPIDNESS OF THE RESURRECTION We live in a "now" society. We want immediate gratification. That’s one of the reasons credit card debt is so high for so many. We don’t want to wait to save to buy something. We want it now. Most of us don’t like to wait for anything. We do not like to stand in lines. We do not like to wait for our food to be served. We do not like to drive around the parking lot looking for a space. I have good news for there is one thing we don’t have to wait for. We are not waiting for the resurrection of Christ to take place. We are not hoping that one day Jesus will come out of the grave. He has already come out of the grave. “But now is Christ risen from the dead.” The fact that Christ is already risen from the dead is important because it shows us that God accepted the sacrifice that Jesus made for our sins. The imminence of Jesus’ resurrection is also important because of where Jesus is. He is in Heaven! Acts 1:9-11After he had said this, he was taken to heaven. A cloud hid him so that they could no longer see him. They were staring into the sky as he departed. Suddenly, two men in white clothes stood near them. They asked, "Why are you men from Galilee standing here looking at the sky? Jesus, who was taken from you to heaven, will come back in the same way that you saw him go to heaven." Hebrews 1:1-3 In the past God spoke to our ancestors at many different times and in many different ways through the prophets. In these last days he has spoken to us through his Son. God made his Son responsible for everything. His Son is the one through whom God made the universe. His Son is the reflection of God’s glory and the exact likeness of God’s being. He holds everything together through his powerful words. After he had cleansed people from their sins, he received the highest position, the one next to the Father in heaven. The one, who died for you, sits at the right hand of the throne of God to represent you! He is your advocate! 1 John 2:1-2 1 “My dear children, I’m writing this to you so that you will not sin. Yet, if anyone does sin, we have Jesus Christ, who has God’s full approval. He speaks on our behalf when we come into the presence of the Father. He is the payment for our sins, and not only for our sins, but also for the sins of the whole world.” Jesus died for your sins. If you are a Christian God does not want you to sin. When we fail God we have an advocate, a lawyer, "one called along side to help", sitting at the right hand of the throne of God. He is there to represent us. I imagine that when we sin, He might say to God the Father, "Father, He’s mine, I died for that sin." As Christians, it should be our goal to live holy lives. If we sin, we are to confess that sin, and forsake it. 1 John 1:9 Isn’t it nice to know that we have a risen Savior, who’s there representing us when we sin. Sin should never be taken lightly, but it’s nice to have help. Not only is Jesus in Heaven now as our advocate, He’s there as our high priest. What does a high priest do for the one who has committed sin? He is our go between and takes a sacrifice to appease the wrath of God. Jesus did not take a sacrifice, He was the sacrifice. There have been people who have said, "I know exactly how you feel, because I’ve been through the same thing." But in Heaven, you have a high priest that not only speaks in your behalf to the Heavenly Father, but He knows just how you feel and what you are going through. He was tempted just like we are yet without sin. Now Jesus might not have faced the same situation that you do, but He has faced the same types of temptations that you have faced. Have you been tempted to worry? So has Jesus. Have you been tempted to give up? So has Jesus. Have you been tempted to steal? So has Jesus. Have you been tempted to be dishonest? So has Jesus. Have you been tempted to be lazy? So has Jesus? Have you been tempted to lose your temper? So has Jesus? Have you been tempted to cheat? So has Jesus. What’s the difference between your temptation and that of Jesus? Jesus was tempted and never sinned. We have been tempted and often succumbed to sin. Because Jesus is alive now and sitting at the right hand of God, You are persuaded to "come boldly before the throne of grace to find grace to help in time of need." So, when you worry, come to Jesus. When you want to quit, come to Jesus. When you are tempted to do wrong, come to Jesus. He is here for us. When we don’t know which way to turn because problems seem so great, come to Jesus! All of the great work that is done is by the Lord Jesus Christ is done by a resurrected Jesus Christ! For NOW is Jesus risen from the dead and sits by our heavenly Father to speak our name to Him.