
Summary: Christmas 2(C) -- Jesus Christ came as our King to provide forgiveness and protect us forever.

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January 4, 2009 --


Colossians 1:13-20

INTRO: The purpose of a king is lost on us in today’s modern world. We know very few kings. Some kings we may know or recently remember are often kings in name only. Other kings have been very self-serving. Others were simply not very good kings at all. God gave kings in Scripture very specific purposes. Biblical kings were to provide for God’s people and also protect God’s people. These purposes fit exactly the purpose of Christ the King. "’The days are coming,’" declares the LORD, ‘when I will raise up to David a righteous Branch, a King who will reign wisely and do what is just and right in the land’"(JEREMIAH 23:5). Christ did come as the King who did “what is just and right in the land”. Today’s verses help us to appreciate the very important fact that:


I. Christ provides forgiveness.

II. Our King protects us forever.


A. Earthly kings are only concerned about earthly things. Christ is concerned only about one thing.

1. Verse 13. Christ the King rescued his people from darkness. His subjects are saved.

2. Even more important is the fact that Christ brings people into his Kingdom.

3. The believers are not only rescued they are given a place of protection in his kingdom.

B. Verse 14. Redemption is the rescue. Redemption is defined as “forgiveness of sins”.

C. Verse 20. The King saves, redeems = forgives, by himself for his subjects by making peace.

1. The peace of God is far, far greater and more valuable than any earthly, human peace.

2. God’s peace comes at the price of his Son’s blood, shed on the cross. Christ provides.

D. Christ our King provides for us because we cannot provide for ourselves. Not one of us can ever pay the price for one single sin. All the wealth in the world does not even come close to being able to even make a down payment for one single sin. Nor can anyone earn or merit God’s forgiveness. Not one of us deserves to be forgiven. All our righteous acts are like filthy rags. All our thoughts and our words and our actions are tainted by sin. "No man can redeem the life of another or give to God a ransom for him--the ransom for a life is costly, no payment is ever enough--that he should live on forever and not see decay"(PSALM 49:7-9). None can redeem but Christ. The blood of Christ purifies us from all sin!

E. Christ came to fulfill the Old Testament teaching concerning the duty of the king. The king was to provide for his subjects. Our King, Christ, goes far beyond the realm of physically providing for us. Our King, Christ, provides for us perfectly. Our King, Christ, provides for us what we neither could nor can provide for ourselves. "In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understand-ing"(EPHESIANS 1:7,8). This word redemption is given the explanation (definition) “the forgiveness of sins”. (Very often Scripture defines those long or hard or important words in the same verse or nearby verses.) In wisdom Christ provides his forgiveness for us lavishly – in abundance. In wisdom God gives us his free grace that we cannot earn, nor deserve, nor buy for ourselves by our own merit or worthiness.

F. Christ our King has changed our lives forever. We look to our loving Lord to provide for us and he does – freely and lavishly. Our King came not to be selfish but selfless. Christ came to provide not for himself but for us. For us is and always will be the purpose of our King, the Christ. Our reaction is that we live lives of thankfulness for the King who provides so very, very generously for us. "He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed"(1 PETER 2:24). He who is the King, the Christ, our Savior forgives our sins.

CHRIST CAME AS OUR KING. Christ provides divine forgiveness for all of mankind. As believers we appreciate God’s gift of forgiveness through his Son. We also know and believe our King protects us.


A. A king can only provide protection for his people depending on the amount of power he has.

1. Today’s verses reveal the absolute power possessed by Christ, our King.

2. Verse 15. Christ became flesh. The invisible God was seen in the image of Christ.

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