
Summary: Irrespective of what the believer in Christ Jesus is going through in life, it is wisdom for us to realise that we are the chosen of God.

1Pe 2:9

What does the bible mean when it says awe are a chosen generation?

It means to have been selected by God from many options, it means to be special, to be his favourite, not just as an individual but as a people in Christ.

It also means to be equipped or empowered to do well in life, Jn 15:16

Listen this truth of the gospel is worth celebrating, it is supposed to excite, inspire us and fill us Joy unspeakable.

Do you know why ?

Because, an truth you don't celebrate, you did not really understand and what you have not understood can not really experience.


Ep 1:4, 1Pe 1:19-20, before the foundation of the earth, we are only discovering it and plugged into it at the different times we gave our lives to Christ.

Recall what the bible say in Matthew 20:1-15,16

So beloved, Lord has chosen us from the multitude on the earth. We are His favourite and He reserves the right to treat us specially, favour us, exempt us from evil, promote us, honour us as he chooses, come through for us without apologies to anyone.

Not because He is a partial God, Acts 10:35 but because He is the good God.

Because some times a carnal or an unrenewed mind may begin to use human standards and logical reasoning to begin to rationalize and question the Lord's integrity. 1Co 1:26-31

DOES OUR BEING CHOSEN MEAN THERE WILL NOT BE CHALLENGES FOR ? NO rather because of our election we know we are better equipped to overcome and are assured that the Lord will come through for us.

Challenges have there place in the life of on who is chosen, I.e. To bring out the best in us like Joseph,

2Co 1:8-11, 1Co 10:13, moreover Ja 1:2-4,

As one who is chosen never loose your joy, Acts 20:24,

Isa 12:3, Habakkuk 3:17-19

For surely the Lord will come through for you.

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