
Chosen for Greatness

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 11, 2023
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As Christians, we are called to be a unique generation, a beacon of hope to those who are lost.


As Christians, we are called to be a chosen generation for those who are lost. In this current generation, we see perversion and wickedness everywhere. There is a lack of respect for God, country, and authority. People live with a "no fear" attitude, doing as they please without regard for anyone who tries to stop them. You may wonder what is chosen about this generation. Well, God specifically chose you to be born into it. He has called you for a purpose in this generation.

Being a Chosen Generation

We, as born-again believers, are a chosen generation. We have been set free from the bondage of sin. God's Spirit called us out, washed us with the blood of Jesus, and cleansed us from all wickedness and impurities. We have become a holy and peculiar people, separated from the world for God's chosen purpose. We are like a royal priesthood.

The Role of a Priest

What does it mean to be a priest? A priest is someone consecrated to serve as a mediator between God and humanity. In the case of a royal priesthood, we are appointed by the King (God) to lead others in His laws and ordinances. We have the privilege of making pleas to the King on behalf of the people in this wicked generation. We are highly regarded by the King.

The Example of Israel

In the past, the children of Israel were God's chosen people, a chosen nation to be priests to all other nations. They were meant to teach God's laws and ordinances. God led them out of captivity, broke the bonds of Pharaoh, and destroyed Pharaoh in the Red Sea. He provided for them in the wilderness with heavenly food (manna) and water from a rock. He made them a nation without their own land. They were chosen to be a holy people, set apart for God's service, and purchased through their release from captivity.

The Fulfillment in Christ

However, the Israelites fell into temptation and began worshiping idols and false gods. They became a defiled nation and were overcome by their enemies. They even denied Jesus Christ when He came to reconcile them back to God. Through their denial, we were engrafted in to become the elect of God.

Through Jesus Christ, our high priest, Lord, and Master, we can be reconciled back to the divine nature of God. We are adopted as His children and become heirs and joint heirs with Christ. Therefore, we are a holy people through the body of Jesus Christ. We are purified, and our garments are made white. We are a royal priesthood, called to lead others in righteousness through the Holy Spirit living within us.

Living as a Chosen Generation

We are called to separate ourselves, seek holiness in our lives, deny our fleshly desires, and carry our crosses daily. By doing so, we can lead others and our own families to the royal family of God. It is a joy to be a child of the highest King, the God of the universe. We are a chosen nation, consisting of people from different backgrounds, languages, ages, colors, and customs. Yet, we are united in one body, the body of Christ Jesus. We dwell in the presence of the Almighty God, where there is fullness of joy and eternal pleasure.


We are chosen to be a royal priesthood, to lead others to Christ Jesus through our worship, sacrifices, joy, and the glory of God in our lives. We are the light that shines in the darkness of sin around us. Darkness cannot overcome the light; instead, the light overcomes darkness. Let us unite together and become a beacon that shines above all the gloom and doom of this world. Let us show the true purpose of being a Christian and becoming like Christ.

In closing, let us remember Romans 8:28: "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." God foreknew us and predestined us to be conformed to the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. We are called to be like Christ and lead others to Him through our obedience and separation for the work of the Holy Spirit within us. This is the very purpose for which you were born into this generation.

So, in this wicked and perverse generation, God has chosen us to make intercession through prayer, sacrifice, fasting, and binding together in love. Through Him, the light can outshine the darkness of this world. Remember, if God is for us, who can be against us?

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