
Choosing Faith Over Fear

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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We are constantly bombarded with various reports and information. The challenge lies in deciding which to believe. This sermon encourages us to choose faith over fear, to trust in God's will and promises despite the intimidating reports we may encounter.


Have you ever been embarrassed about a report card? It's not a pleasant feeling, is it? Well, today we're going to talk about reports, specifically the ones we choose to believe. In life, we often receive reports from various sources, but the question is, whose report will we believe?

Main Points

1. The Majority Isn't Always Right:

In the story of Caleb and the Israelites, we see that Caleb and Joshua were the minority who believed they could conquer the land of Canaan, despite the majority's fear and doubt. Sometimes, believing the right report goes against popular opinion.

2. Be Careful of False Reports:

Exodus 23:1 warns us not to raise false reports or be unrighteous witnesses. Nehemiah also faced a false report when Shemaiah tried to deceive him into seeking refuge in the temple. It's important to discern the truth and not be swayed by deceptive reports.

3. Perception Matters:

Our perception plays a significant role in what we believe. Simon Peter, the fisherman, initially doubted Jesus' command to cast their nets again after a night of unsuccessful fishing. However, when they obeyed, they caught a multitude of fish. Our perception can either hinder or enhance our faith.

4. The Power of a Good Report:

Proverbs 15:30 tells us that a good report brings joy to the heart. When we focus on positive and uplifting reports, it can have a profound impact on our outlook on life. We should strive to see the good in people and situations rather than always looking for the negative.

5. Believing God's Report:

In times of doubt and uncertainty, we must turn to God's report. His Word assures us that all things are possible, He loves us unconditionally, and His grace is sufficient for us. We can trust in His guidance, provision, and forgiveness. God's report is the ultimate truth we should believe.


The world bombards us with various reports, but we have the power to choose which ones we believe. Let us be discerning and not easily swayed by false reports or negative perceptions. Instead, let us focus on the good and believe in God's report, which brings hope, joy, and assurance. Just as Jesus proved the evil report of His crucifixion wrong by rising from the dead, we can overcome any negative report through faith in Him. So, whose report will you believe? Choose wisely.

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