
Summary: Too many times we get caught up in situations that put us at a crossroad and we find it difficult to figure out which way is the best way to go. That is because the devil is good at what he does, his job is to make the wrong choice look as right as possi

Choose Wisely

Genesis 25: 29-34

29 One day when Jacob was cooking some stew, Esau arrived home exhausted and hungry from a hunt. 30 Esau said to Jacob, "I’m starved! Give me some of that red stew you’ve made." (This was how Esau got his other name, Edom – "Red.") 31 Jacob replied, "All right, but trade me your birthright for it." 32 "Look, I’m dying of starvation!" said Esau. "What good is my birthright to me now?" 33 So Jacob insisted, "Well then, swear to me right now that it is mine." So Esau swore an oath, thereby selling all his rights as the firstborn to his younger brother. 34 Then Jacob gave Esau some bread and lentil stew. Esau ate and drank and went on about his business, indifferent to the fact that he had given up his birthright.

Too many times we get caught up in situations that put us at a crossroad and we find it difficult to figure out which way is the best way to go. That is because the devil is good at what he does, his job is to make the wrong choice look as right as possible. This crossroad usually happens at a time where something we possess seems useless to us, or we feel that there is something out there that is better than what we have. Or it can be that we just want something (that word want is a killer, if you don’t believe me, listen and find out). It is that “grass is greener” theory. Funny thing is, the grass might seem greener on the other side, but that lawn still has to be mowed. There are certain things we need to realize in order not to let the devil sway us into the wrong choice. The main thing we need to realize is that God has handpicked us. What is the exact reason why he handpicked us? I don’t know, only he knows for sure. I do know that he handpicked us because we all possess certain qualities that he would love to use so his kingdom can be glorified. Once we realize that and live by that, then our choices will be easier to make, as a matter of fact, when we really really believe it we will realize that there wont even be a choice to make.

I. Don’t let your feeling dictate your actions. (v.30)

a. What feelings do you get that might drive you.

b. How do you act on those feelings?

c. Do you think of the long-term affect your decision will have?

d. Esau claimed he was starving. (In some trans. it says dying of starvation)

II. Don’t put yourself in a position to be propositioned.(v.31)

a. Don’t begin to give in to your feelings

b. Feelings were created to be felt but not to be followed.

c. Following feeling leaves the door open for the devil to walk right in.

d. Jacob asked Esau to trade him his birthright for a bowl of soup.

III. Propositions make you question yourself.(v.32)

a. If feelings get in the driver seat, you are in for a ride.

b. Feelings are near sighted. They can’t see long term.

c. Feelings make crazy things seem logical.

d. God has given each of us a choice in everything.

e. Whenever the devil propositions you, he gives you the option to choose.

f. Esau thought that a bowl of soup was better than a birthright.

IV. Immediate urge satisfied!

a. What happens next?

b. Is your urge satisfied for good or do you want more?

c. Was it worth it?

d. God has to place punishment for what you have done.

37 Isaac said to Esau, "I have made Jacob your master and have declared that all his brothers will be his servants. I have guaranteed him an abundance of grain and wine – what is there left to give?" 38 Esau pleaded, "Not one blessing left for me? O my father, bless me, too!" Then Esau broke down and wept. 39 His father, Isaac, said to him, "You will live off the land and what it yields,

e. There is good news!

40 and you will live by your sword. You will serve your brother for a time, but then you will shake loose from him and be free."

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