Choices . . . Choicesv . . . Choices Lesson 1 Series
Contributed by Elmer Towns on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The future fulfilled in youthful squabbles
1. What are some characteristics of second generation believers?
a. Continue their parent’s faith.
b. Not as bold and daring.
c. Concerned with everyday life.
d. Get strengths and weaknesses of parents.
2. What is known about Isaac? Famous father and son.
“Isaac married Rebekah when he was 40 years old and she was childless. He pleaded with God for children and she became pregnant with twins. Her pregnancy was difficult so she asked God why? He told her, ‘Two rival nations are in your womb. One stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger, and that will continue into their descendants’” (Gen. 25:19-26, Condensed).
3. Challenge of father that was faced by the son.
a. Both difficulties with birth of son (s).
b. Both difficulties with neighbors.
c. Both difficulties with wife.
d. Both had promises from God that were unrealized.
4. The tension of Abraham with his wife continued with Isaac.
a. Abraham’s and wife’s disagreement over Hagar.
b. Isaac and Rebekah didn’t talk, “Isaac pleaded” (25:21). “She (Rebekah) asked the Lord” (25:24).
5. Law of First Reference. The first notice of the twins was they struggled. “The children struggled together within her” (25:27).
6. We never completely understand our children, “Why is this happening to me?” (25:22).
7. Law of reverse strength. “Stronger than the other” but “older shall serve the younger” (25:23).
8. Our knowledge about our children’s nature won’t necessarily help us change them.
9. Physical appearances suggest names and our reaction to them. “First came out red” (25:25). “His hand took hold of Esau’s heel” (25:25). The title “heel grasper” means “he deceives.”
The boys grew up, Esau became an outdoorsman and successful hunter. Jacob hung around indoors and liked kitchen duties. Isaac was attached to Esau and Rebekah was attached to Jacob” (Gen. 25:27-28, Condensed).
1. What’s in the spirit of a man determines what he likes to do.
2. Parents usually have an affinity for one child, based on reasons.
3. Early parental partiality determines a life-long pattern.
4. God uses the different personalities of children for His purpose.
“One day Jacob was cooking some chili with red beans and stew meat. When Esau got home from hunting, he wanted something to eat because he was very hungry. When Esau asked for some, Jacob said, ‘I’ll trade you some stew if you will give me your birthright.’ Esau said, ‘I’m starving, what will a birthright do for me if I’m dead?’ So Jacob made him swear an oath to get the birthright. Esau ate and drank and went about his business, indifferent to the fact he had given up his birthright” (25:29-34, Condensed).
1. The Law of First Reference played out in a squabble between brothers.
2. Older sibling (Esau) often demanded “things,” the younger sibling (Jacob) was devious.
3. The young often fight over trivial things, but their strife reflects their character.
4. Early characteristics of submissiveness or boldness are often predictive of their future personality.
5. Life-changing epochs are often seen in small trivial things.
6. Some children make decisions on immediate need fulfillment. Their dominant word, “now”.
7. Some children make decisions on a long-term perspective.
8. Sometimes, one event in youth will determine their future life.
9. Esau’s choice:
a. Reflected an indifference to family.
b. An indifference to God. “Went on about his business indifferent” (25:34).
10. Do youthful choices determine salvation? “Esau, who for one morsel of meat, sold his birthright . . . afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears” (Heb. 12:16-17, KJV).
11. When Esau chose against God, God chose against him. “I loved Jacob, and I hate Esau” (Malachi 1:2-3, KJV c.f. Rom. 9:13).
1. Prayer by parents makes a difference.
2. Choices by children make a difference.
3. Partiality by parents makes a difference.
4. Personality by youth makes a difference.
5. Parents must love them all, pray for all, guide all into God’s will. God has a plan for each child.
If you have never really accepted Jesus as your personal Savior, would you do it right now? Do not delay or put it off. If you would like to receive Christ by faith, pray this simple prayer in your heart:
Dear Lord, I acknowledge that I am a sinner. I believe Jesus died for my sins on the cross, and rose again the third day. I repent of my sins. By faith I receive the Lord Jesus as my Savior. You promised to save me, and I believe You, because You are God and cannot lie. I believe right now that the Lord Jesus is my personal Savior, and that all my sins are forgiven through His precious blood. I thank You, dear Lord, for saving me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.