
Summary: We are not a victim of the circumstance. We have a choice to rejoice. Updated October 2020.

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For Those not familiar with an Anglican Service there are three Scriptures readings prior to the Message. Today's assigned readings are: Zephaniah 3:14-20; Philippians 4:4-9; and Matthew 11:28-30.

What a powerful message the Gospel of Matthew and Paul's letter the believers' gathered Philippi.

How do we live this life ... that God is calling us to live?

How do we daily live ... this joyous Christian life?

Paul gives us ...three principles:

(1 Finger) First... He informs us: ... that we have a choice ... a choice to ... rejoice.

Beloved ... Joy a choice.

We are not a victim...... of the ... circumstance.

If we believe in God... and in his Word... then He is our Guide, ... not fate, ... not some kind of ...... uncontrollable force.

In other words, ... the source of true joy ... eternal joy ... comes from ... God.

And we have a choice to accept it ... or deny it ... we have a choice ... to rejoice.

Happiness depends on ...... hap-pe-nings ... on circumstances.

When we watch a comedy ... or attend a party, ... the circumstance ... may bring about... happiness.

Yet Joy, ... Spiritual Joy ... is part of ... the fruit ... of the ... Holy Spirit.

True joy ... is a gift, ... a gift ... from God.

If we accept Jesus ... not only as our Savior ...but also ... as the Lord of our life ... then, ... we can expect this joy ... to permeate ... every aspect of our life!

The Holy Spirit ... dwells within us ......and His DNA ...embodies ...... this eternal Joy.

Beloved ... Joy streams from the DNA of God ... who lives ... within our very being.

Joy does not flow ... from what is happening outside of us.

It flows from within us ... It flows from the DNA ...of God himself.

Now ... Paul is in prison ...when he writes his letter ... to the Philippians.

In his predicament, ... In his circumstance ... he is obviously ... and understandably ... not happy. encompass you!

Joy is not ... just an emotion.

It is a choice... it is an attitude ... an attitude that effects ... how ... each of us ... look at life.

What you give, ... you will Receive.

If you are seeking joy... then Beloved ... give joy.

I can assure you ... that the Lord will fill you a new ...when you rejoice ... and allow joy to flow freely ... from your very being. (Pause)

When I sense a lack of joy in my life ...I make a conscious decision ... and chose to pass joy on to others... and it becomes ...contagious.

Early in my banking career ... I worked the teller line.

There was a gentleman ... who would always enter the Bank... with a frown ... or scowl ... on his face.

Without fail ... never a smile.

One of my co-workers ... An elderly woman on the teller line ... would almost always say after waiting on him:

"That man ...must have been baptized Lemon juice." (Pause)

All of us ... I am sure ... can recall a person ... much like him.

Someone ... that was baptized ... in lemon juice.

Well I made it a goal ... To one day ... see him smile.

And I would be gracious, ... maybe even overly joyous ... every time ... he would come into ... the bank.

I also found ... that sharing this joy with him ... and with others ... changed the remainder ... of my own day.

Well ... it was not very many weeks later, ... He shared with me ... that he always felt good ...after he came into the Bank.

And was disappointed ... when I was not on the line ...and then... (Slow) Yes... he smiled.

Throughout my banking career ... I would regularly ask my staff.

Have you exceeded anyone's expectations?

Have you treated everyone fairly?

Have you brought joy ... to someone?

Beloved ... You can look at a half-filled cup ... and thank God ... that you have some water... to drink.

Or you can lament ... that you only have ... half a cup ... and not a full one.

It is a choice ... A choice ... to rejoice.

It is your attitude ... and you own it.

Beloved ... do not look for the thorns... among the roses.

Rather be thankful ...that among the thorns ...there are roses ... glorious roses.

It is your choice ...Your choice ... to rejoice.

Hear these words ...from the prophet Habakkuk:

BIBLE "Though the fig tree does not bud ...and there are no grapes on the vines, ...though the olive crop fails ...and the fields produce no food, ...though there are no sheep in the pen ...and no cattle in the stalls, ...yet I will rejoice in the LORD, ... I will be joyful God my Savior. END Habakkuk 3:17-19

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Elizabeth Smith

commented on Sep 12, 2012

This sermon was a real blessing to me as I sat contemplating the losses in my life. I was challenged to look at the positive side of those losses and boy, did I discover how blessed I am. Thank you Pastor Smead.

J Jeffrey Smead

commented on Sep 12, 2012

Elizabeth Thank-you for your kind words. I always pray that the message will be of help to others. Blessings Jeff

Rosethe Rimande-Joel

commented on Oct 31, 2013

Thank you sir this sermon is a blessing to my life this morning believing it ll be a blessing. To many I ll share with .god bless you real good

Russell Lyon

commented on Jan 2, 2016

A great message, Pastor Smead! I read it on line in preparation for a message I'm preaching from Philippians 4:4-7. You helped me a great deal and thank you. Pastor Rusty Lyon, Fort Atkinson, WI.

J Jeffrey Smead

commented on Jan 2, 2016

Russell Thank-you for taking time to comment and thank-you for your kind words. We are blessed to be a blessing. Yours in Christ Jeff

Srinivasa Rao Kusume

commented on Oct 30, 2021

Pastor, great sermon. Whenever I'm down, I read this message encourage myself. Thank you for the great message. God bless you

J Jeffrey Smead

commented on Oct 30, 2021

Thank you for taking time to leave me a message and even more so for your very kind words. The joy of the Lord is truly our strength and it is my prayer that He fills you to the brim with both His joy and Peace. Blessings Always Jeff+

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