
Summary: Child protection agency workers visit homes to make sure that children are well taken care physically and mentally. But we still find lot of families in turmoil because of kids that are out of control. They might be in good standing according to the child

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Child Protection Services

Children born in United States mostly get excellent medical and parental care. Government mandates use of car seats to make sure that the child is well protected during transportation. Regular doctor visits ensure that appropriate vaccinations are taken and the growth of the child is normal. Child protection agency workers visit homes to make sure that children are well taken care physically and mentally. But we still find lot of families in turmoil because of kids that are out of control. They might be in good standing according to the child protection services, but might be failing in the presence of spiritual protection services. The absence of God brings the presence of the enemy in the lives of kids. Either there is darkness or there is light. There could be dawn or dusk, but eventually darkness or light will prevail.

1. Know the power of NO: Matthew 19:14, 15

You might be surprised to hear that your child picks up on the “No” word by age 2. Do you want something? NO is the quick answer. Where did they learn that NO? It has to be from some body. “Angela, No, Don’t do that” Does that sound familiar?

The disciples rebuked children from coming closer to Jesus. Let us not rebuke children from coming closer to Jesus too knowingly or unknowingly. The disciples were the channels to Jesus in some circumstances. If so, kids should see Godly behavior in us. We should then be able to channel children to Jesus Christ. You might find the thing that you are doing is very important, but that moment of negligence might be the defining point in your kid’s life. I have heard of a story (possibly actual) told about a Sunday school class held in Germany. A boy was peeking into a Church Sunday school class through the window. The Sunday school teacher got angry and rebuked the child several times. The kid ran away and never came back. The name of that kid is Adolph Hitler. The Sunday school teacher only had regrets later on, but that defining moment changed that kid’s life. Be careful, you never know what impression your actions can leave on kids. It is important to shape children’s character, but it is also important to make them feel welcome to communicate with you, share their trials with you. If they don’t find comfort in you, they will find comfort, some where else.

2. Be there for your kids: Matthew 21:15

Parents would be thrilled to hear that their child got selected for cheerleading. Imagine the reaction of parents, when the kids who said Hosanna to Jesus went back to their homes. Some of the parents might have been their along with their kids to cheer Jesus, but some might have missed on the opportunity of a lifetime. But the most important thing is “The kids who were in Jerusalem (the temple) were the ones who had chance to say Hosanna. Do you bring your kids to church? Is church as important as school for them? Do you have the enthusiasm to bring kids to church? Let us make sure that our kids never “miss the boat” for spiritual survival and growth.

Only kids who came to temple were able to see Jesus. We can be busy with work and other activities. But if we are not there for kids, we may not be able to influence them later on.

3. What is on your children? Matthew 27:25

Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior? Are you leading a godly life? After a snow storm, if you walk out, you can see that you make a bold (depending on your size, even big ones) foot trails on the snow patches. But one thing is sure; your kid can easily fit into the steps you have left behind. Where are the those foot steps leading your kids to? Are you sure, you want your kids to take those same foot steps? Are their sins and ways in our life that you need to mend? Are you after the popular culture? If so, don’t be surprised if your kids find their own popular culture. The people of Israel made a conscious choice to let the blood of Jesus be upon their generations. Let us make sure that the choices that we make wont bring damnation to our generations.

Romans 10:9-10: Think about your actions, think about your choices, and think about our friendships, does it align with godly principles?

4. Challenge kids to rise above the “normal” circumstances: Mark 5:41

We are living in a pop culture that can make our children spiritually dead. As in Mark 5:40, people and friends around you can scorn at you. The notion is that this is the new way. You are too old fashioned?

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