
Summary: How the church must change but not compromise the truth

Changing Church in a Changing Culture Wk 5

What kind of people ought you to be?

2 Peter 3

Peter writing to remind them of:

Words written in OT

Words of Jesus through the Apostles

These things will happen; we can pray against situations all we like but God’s word must come to pass.

We must not think He is not coming, well not at this moment some may say; we dare not think this way, but always be ready in case it is now!

The church has come this far and it will continue until He comes.

Nothing will stop the church advancing; it may seem we are declining in areas, but God is calling out a royal priesthood and it will withstand all change throughout all generations.

In the UK most congregations are under 100; selling the buildings off

Pressure of leaders is:

Raise budgets

Lack of volunteers

Conflicting agendas

Time with God is very different:


I heard on the radio about an astronaut who when in space lived life every 45 mins. The further away from earth, the time zone changes. Amazing

V 11 What kind of people ought you to be?

Godly, holy, looking forward to His return, and speed His coming!

The disciples were worshippers before they were witnesses.

God’s mission is for us to serve Him not ourselves.

He is looking for discipleship = growth

V 18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Growth is a by product not a primary focus, but non-growth raises questions regarding our faithfulness to the call.

By what do you measure your growth?

How often you read the word?

How much you pray?

How many people you bring to Christ?

How your life lives up to Jesus as your role model?

Be like David = integrity of heart:




Are a worshipper yet not a witness?

Or are you a witness yet not a worshipper?

Worship and witness are inseparable Psalm 96

If we worship God then we will testify to His goodness, we will demonstrate His glory and share His love.

We have to have unconditional love like Him. How? Many think it¡¦s not possible.

We cannot save people from the judgement to come if we don’t love them.

Acceptance is vital to reaching out.

Towards every generation:







Drug addicts


The list is endless.

Be committed to building relationships, despite your bias.

Ministry should be by the church not in the church.

The best able to cope are those who are adaptable, flexible, fast moving and sensitive to change.

Interconnected and inclusive.

All life-forms need relationships

To do this the church must read the signs of the times.

Mike Regele says:

1. The pace of change is so fast there is no time to reflect.

2. Complexity of change presents us with too much to absorb.

3. Chaotic change is comprehensive and affects every area of life.

4. Change in culture is unpredictable; it cannot be anticipated ahead of time.

The church is held accountable in the community of lack of discernment and lack of integrity = destructive

What kind of person are you?

Do you love enough to pull down cliques and establish a community of believers that the world can feel accepted?

Will you include those God puts in your way?

Are you prepared to develop new relationships and help them to grow in grace and knowledge?

To empower another means you have to give up your own power

As a leader of other people to Jesus, you have a responsibility to empower them with truth; it’s not just the church leaders, we should all be disciple makers.

But most do not realise their delegated call.

God said to Moses when he was told to delegate responsibility, He will take of the Spirit that is on you and put the Spirit on them. (EX 18 70 elders)

Well Jesus delegated when He said go into all the world and preach the gospel Matt 28

It’s more than giving it, but freeing them to use the power and skills they already possess. = I value you, I release you, I trust you.

In these end times in chaos of fast changes, let’s settle a few things:

Who we are as a church. Our ID (Mac Donald’s, KFC etc)

God sees who you can become, who you will be

The quality of our relationships is very important for achieving in God.

We the church needs to live in the untidiness of the world, yet see organised patterns developing.

We are to trust Christ completely and follow Him into an unknown future willingly.

So, what are you like?

One who includes or an excluder?

V 14 ..make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with Him.

V 15 Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation.

V11 Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of person ought you to be?

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