
Summary: When Jesus speaks to someone, there are some apparent noticeable changes in that person. Firstly there will be a change in the posture of this person.

When Jesus speaks to someone, there are some apparent noticeable changes in that person. Firstly there will be a change in the posture of this person.

Stage -2: In early days of talking with Jesus, we will ask him many questions regarding both our needs and him.

Stage -1: Asking lot of questions about Jesus

Stage 0: Asking some questions about Jesus and start listening to Jesus

Stage 1: Listening and obeying Jesus’s words

Stage 2: Start listening and completely obeying Jesus’s words

Stage 3: No personal voice, listen and obey Jesus. 100% aligned to Jesus.

Throughout these phases, the person’s posture changes on the inside as well as the outside. On this journey, a person begins to descend and finds Jesus. The more his will goes down, the more easily he can find Jesus.

On this journey, we slowly transition from asking to listening mode. We must cross over this transitional zone in order to meet Jesus.

Mary was aware of this principle. Therefore, when Jesus arrived at Martha’s house, Mary sat down and began to listen to Jesus (Luke 10:42).

When we choose to sit down at the feet of Jesus to listen from Jesus then Jesus begins teaching on a variety of topics. The next chapter (Luke 11), Jesus teaches the Model prayer. When we are in a posture of listening, then Jesus begins teaching the kingdom principles like prayer.

At what stage in the journey are we there now?

The best place where lot of saints got a deeper revelation of Jesus was when they sat down or fell down at the feet of Jesus. Sat down and fell down at the feet of Jesus are the places of listening. The place of hearing are where people get a deeper revelation of Jesus. These two places were unique.

– Ezekiel fell down at God’s Glory (Ezekiel 1)

– 24 elders fell down at God’s Glory (Revelation 5)

– Martha sat down at the feet of Jesus

– Ruth slept at the feet of Boaz (Ruth 3)

As years of walk with God increases, people will become more humble and more listening people. There will be an internal transformation when we are listening people i.e. listening to God and listening to others. Self’s nature esteems its voice as superior to other’s voice. When we are in listening mode, we are making a choice to esteem God and people above ourselves.

The prayer life will be simple and consists merely of listening to Jesus and obeying His will.

With this prayer life, a saint will be able to go through the eye of the needle (Matthew 19:24).

Samuel was instructed about this listening posture early in his life by Eli. Speak, for Your servant is listening (1 Samuel 3:10).

The phrase “Speak, for Your servant is listening” still applies today.

To listen and obey God’s instructions as a servant are the true qualities required by God’s servant.

“Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve” Matthew 20:28. Jesus was a servant of all. It is very easy to associate with Jesus when one is in the posture of servant hood. Servants are trusted with Jesus’s authority.

Posture of a Godly man is that of a servant who is constantly listening and prompt in obeying to the still small voice of God.

Tune your life according to the same still voice of God and through this still small voice God will show his wonders.

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