Captain Of Our Lives
Contributed by Edward Job on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: If you facing any storms of life, this sermon will help you
Captain of our lives Mark 4 35-41
When evening came, disciple were wondering what Jesus would do. When Jesus told them, "Let us go over to the other side," it was like a music to their ears. They knew it
was good to teach the word to the crowd, but they also wanted to have Jesus’ personal attention to themselves. They had many questions to ask, and they wanted to share private time with Jesus. When Jesus said, ’Let us go over to the other side’, they forgot to take their backpacks on the lake side and began to row the boat quickly. They were just happy to be alone with Jesus. They were talking and laughing. When they looked at the envious eyes of the crowd, they felt they were so privileged they accepted the invitation
A true story of how Christ stilled the storm that broke suddenly on Lake Galilee.
At the time, Jesus was crossing the lake by boat. His disciples were with him. Jesus had gone to sleep. There arose a fierce gale that threatened to sink the boat.
The disciples woke him up crying, "Lord, save us, we are perishing!"
Jesus calmed the storm immediately with three words: "Peace! Be still!"
This miracle illustrates the power of Christ. However we can also see some important truths about ourselves illustrated by the disciples who were in the boat with Jesus. They thought Jesus was a carpenter’ son, he does know the seas well. They were the expert. I believe they ask Jesus to take the rest and not to interfere in the manning the boat. We need to trust Him
Authority of God
Jesus calmed the storm immediately with three words: "Peace! Be still!"
A demonstration of his power. He demonstrated his power many times, most especially when he arose from the dead. Notice in passing that many people today claim supernatural power, but none has ever been able to say to a storm "Be still!" and have the storm obey. The disciples were afraid twice in this story. They were afraid when the storm threatened their lives (Mark 4:40). They were afraid when the storm ceased (Mark 4:41). The second fear was awe in the face of Christ’s unlimited power
The first fear is the fear of death, fear of being abandoned, they obviously knew they Jesus can do something about the storm for they woke him up and asked him, Teacher, don’t you care that we are dying? Surely they wanted him to do something because they had seen the miracles he had done. But with all that they had already seen it was not really easy for them to accept at face value that such a person is actually amongst them. they had faith in Jesus .they did believe that they r with the son of God ,but knowing this and actually seeing it with their human eyes and human understanding would make a person stunned, awe struck even if he had a faith that is based on the rock. It is the fear of being in the presence of the lord of lords who has such authority over all in this world and even nature.
The disciple’s fear before the storm was the fear for their life. Even though Jesus had with them in the boat, they were afraid and woke up Jesus, who was sleeping in the boat. This shows that, the disciples had no enough faith in Jesus, who is the creator of sea and wind also. Their fear after the storm, in the bible it says that they were greatly afraid, which arose by seeing Jesus` power and authority over the wind and sea. Their faith in Jesus increased, after this incidence. If we have fear, the faith will not work
Lord, increase my faith in your redeeming love and power that I may always recognize your abiding presence with me. And give me courage to do your will in all circumstances. What are the characteristics of faith and how can we grow in it? Faith is an entirely free gift that God makes to us. Believing is only possible by grace and the help of the Holy Spirit, who moves the heart and who opens the eyes of the mind to understand and accept the truth which God has revealed to us. Faith enables us to relate to God rightly and confidently, with trust and reliance, by believing and adhering to his word, because he is utterly reliable and trustworthy. If we want to live, grow, and persevere in faith, then it must be nourished with the word of God. Fear does not need to cripple us from taking right action or rob us of our trust and reliance on God. Courage working with faith enables us to embrace God’s word of truth and love with confidence and to act on it with firm hope in God’s promises. The love of God strengthens us in our faith and trust in him and enables us to act with justice and kindness towards our neighbor even in the face of opposition or harm. Do you allow the love of Christ to rule in your heart and mind, and to move your will to choose what is good in accordance with his will?