Can You Fall From The Grace Of God
Contributed by Jack Whitehead on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This sermon is for those who think they have fallen from the grace of God.
Can you fall from the Grace of GOD ?
The other Day someone said to me; Brother Greg I have a problem and I don’t know what to do about it.
You see I have fallen from The Grace Of GOD. Yes I have sinned I have broken one of Gods Holy Laws, I lied. Now I know that there is no grace from GOD to me, because I read in Galatians 5:4 that I could fall away from the Grace of GOD. I don’t want to lose my salvation.
I think I need to rededicate my life or be baptized again or something, that away I can start all over, and this time I Know I will do better, I won’t break any of GOD’s laws.
First lets discuss what The Grace Of GOD is.
The Grace of God is: God’s free and unmerited favor for sinful humanity.
1) its free, it’s a gift from God. 2) Its unmerited ( unearned ) nothing you did got you this Grace. Its not who you are, or what you did, or what your going to do. Its who GOD is. Its GOD reaching out to fallen man. My pastor once said that grace is when you get better than what you deserve.
We all deserve to go to hell, because Romans 3:23 says For all have sinned and cone short of the glory of God. But God Chose to show us grace by sending His only begotten Son, to be a sacrifice for all of our sins. That includes past, present, and future. You see JESUS is the grace of God!
You see Jesus freely give his life because he loves us that much. Its never been or ever will be about what we did. For the bible says that our very best is but filthy rags unto the Lord, when it comes to our rightness. Isaiah 64:6
Grace is about God His love for us in spite of our wicked ways. His outstretched hand to fallen man.
Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
As you can see from what God’s Holy word says for yourself Grace has nothing to do with us doing works to earn salvation. It has everything to do with God, and his mighty work through Jesus Our Christ.
You see my friend read one verse and thought she could lose her salvation. The problem I have with all of this is; I don’t believe that she understood the Gospel Story. Perhaps she never heard the whole story. Maybe she heard some of the story, and before she got the rest someone else was teaching or preaching another gospel. Whatever the case I explained to her that once you were saved it was for a lifetime. Eternity
I also told her not to just take my word for it, take Jesus’ word for it.
John 6:38-39
You see not only is God able to save but he is able to Keep.
So what is this falling from grace that Paul is talking about?
What Paul is talking about is the fact that He preached the true Gospel to the Galatians, and after hearing the message of Jesus Christ they listened to a false teaching. A teaching that said that they should not only believe in Jesus but also fulfill the law. There fore they fell away from the only true Grace that is from GOD.
You see anytime you take what Jesus did and add something to it whatever it is; baptism, walking the isle, benign good, anything, you have falling away from the GRACE that GOD himself has provided.
I personally don’t believe that a person who does this has ever been saved the first time. Because they have not believed what was first preached or they have not understood it.
That God has made the provision for salvation. Its all wrapped up in John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever shall believe in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Amen
What is grace? Grace is GOD’s free and unmerited favor for sinful humanity. You cant fall from the grace of God but you can reject it.
Brother Greg.