
Can These Dry Bones Live?

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 12, 2023
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God has the power to breathe new life into our dry, weary, and lifeless situations, offering us hope of a new beginning and a new covenant.


Good morning, lovely people of God. I'm excited to share God's word with you today! Our sermon today is centered on the power of God to restore life, the hope of a new beginning, and the promise of a new covenant. We'll be diving into the book of Ezekiel, chapter 37, verses 9 and 10.

Let's read it together. "Then he said to me, 'Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Come, breath, from the four winds and breathe into these slain, that they may live.’' So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—a vast army." (Ezekiel 37:9-10, NIV)

Isn't that powerful, friends? The breath of life from the Almighty God can bring dry bones back to life! That's the God we serve, a God who can breathe new life into our dry, weary, and lifeless situations. This reminds me of something that the respected preacher and author, Charles Spurgeon once said. He stated, "Hope itself is like a star- not to be seen in the sunshine of prosperity, and only to be discovered in the night of adversity."

So, if you're going through adversity right now, hope is shining bright for you. God is ready to breathe life into your situation and give you a fresh start under a new covenant. Are you ready to receive it?

God's Power to Restore Life

The power of God to restore life is beautifully illustrated in the book of Ezekiel. When we talk about God's power to restore life, we are not merely referring to physical life, but also spiritual and emotional life. God's restorative power is holistic, encompassing every aspect of our existence.

In the passage from Ezekiel, we see God commanding the prophet to prophesy to the breath, to call it from the four winds to breathe life into the slain. A. This is a vivid picture of God's power to restore life where there was none. The slain, the dry bones, represent situations and circumstances that seem hopeless, lifeless, and beyond repair. Yet, with a word from God, these dry bones can live again. This is the magnitude of God's restorative power.

B. God's power to restore life is not limited by the severity of our circumstances. No situation is too dire, no problem too complex, no pain too deep that God cannot breathe life into it. This is the same power that raised Jesus from the dead, the same power that turns mourning into dancing, the same power that transforms ashes into beauty. It's a power that transcends human understanding and defies the laws of nature.

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C. Just as the breath of life continually sustains us, so does God's restorative power continually work in us. It's not a power that is activated once and then becomes dormant. Rather, it's a power that is constantly at work, constantly breathing life into our dry bones, constantly turning our situations around for our good and His glory.

D. The power of God to restore life is also personal. It's not a distant, impersonal force, but a power that is intimately involved in our lives. God knows our every struggle, our every pain, our every disappointment. He sees our dry bones, and He is committed to breathing life into them. He is not a God who is far off, but a God who is close, a God who cares, a God who restores.

E. This power of God to restore life is a reality that we can experience in our everyday lives. It's a power that brings hope in the midst of despair, joy in the midst of sorrow, and life in the midst of death. It's a power that assures us that no matter how bleak our situation may seem, there is always hope for a turnaround. There is always hope for restoration.

F. Finally, God's power to restore life is not just for us, but also for those around us. As we experience God's restorative power in our lives, we become channels of this power to others. We become agents of restoration, bringing hope and life to those around us. We become living testimonies of the power of God to restore life.

The Hope of a New Beginning

The hope of a new beginning is the assurance that no matter how bleak or desperate our current circumstances may seem, there is always the promise of a fresh start, a new dawn that God provides ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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