Calvary Series
Contributed by Frank Edwards on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Acronym C_A_L_V_A_R_Y
Text - LUKE 23:33 - - "And when they were come to the place
which is cajled Calvary, there they c r u c i f i e d H i m . . . ."
No other word in our language is packed with mor^e/meani ng and is
filled with more passion than the word, Calvary. No other physical landmark
and no other geographical location in the whole universe is more
significant than the place which is called Calvary. Geographically,
although, the exact site is not known, it is generally accepted by prominent
theologians and scholars of the Bible, that Calvary is a hill or an
elevation on the outside of the city walls of Jerusalem. But no matter
where it is on the map, the significance of Calvary is centered around a
Maji and His Miss i on . The Man was Jesus and His Mi ss i on was to give Hi s
life for t be sins of a 11 mank1nd. Without Jesus' death on the cross, Calvary
is just another piece of real estate on the outskirts of Jerusalem.
But with the crucifixion of Christ upon that hill and with His precious
blood flowing down upon that elevation, Calvary becomes Holy Ground.
There is no wonder that the hymn-writer could say, "Lead me to Calvary."
Calvary is a reminder of what Jesus did for all mankind. Calvary
refreshes our memory concerning the events which accompanied His crucifixion.
Calvary causes us to reflect upon His pain and His suffering.
"Lest I forget Gethesemane,
Lest I forget Thine agony,
Lest I forget Thy love for me,
Lead me to to Calvary."
Calvary presents a picture of extreme opposites: It shows human
hatred reaching its lowest ebb, yet is shows Divine love soaring to its
highest peak. On one hand, Calvary shows what happens when evil lurks in
the mind of man, but on the other hand, it shows the abundance of love in
the heart of God. Calvary allows us to see Sin at its worst, but it also
allows us to see Sin at its worst, but it also allows us to see Grace at
its best. Yes, Calvary reminds us that we are wretched sinners, but is
also reminds us that Jesus is a loving Saviour.
The word Calvary is made up of seven letters and each one of the
letters represents a word which helps to tell the story of what happened
on that sacred hill.
Calvary begins with the letter "C" and that "C" represents the cross
upon which Christ was crucified. The cross was made of two heavy pieces
of wood which were fastened to each other. The vertical piece was approximately
ten to twelve feet long and the horizontal piece was six to eight
feel long. After a criminal had been condemned to die by crucifixion, He
bad to carry his own cross to the place where he was to be crucified.
Therefore, when Christ was condemned at Pilate's Hall, the cross was
?laced upon His shoulder and He had to carry it until the weight became
JO heavy that He fell to the the ground.
The Roman soldiers picked out Simon of Cyrene to carry it the rest
•>£ the way and when they reached the place called Calvary, they nailed
Him to that cross and dropped it into a hole which had already been dug.
So, the cross is synonymous with Calvary. When you think of one, you
think of the other. Had there been no cross, we would never have heard
of Calvary. The cross is our emblem. Countries have their flags; schools
have their seals; fraternal organizations have their pins; lodges have
their rings, but we, as Christians have our Cross.
On one hand, that Old Rugged cross is a emblem of suffering and
shaae, but on the other hand, it has a wondrous attraction for me. For
you see, it was on that old Rugged Cross that the dear Lamb of God, died
to pardon and sanctify me.
So that letter "C in the word Calvary represents the Cross. You can't
separate the two words. When you think about Calvary, your mind automatically
centers around the cross.
The next letter in the word Calvary is "A" and it represents Agony.
Agony means intense suffering and excruciating pain. Agony means mental
and physical torture. Now tell me, where else has there been more pain
and more suffering than on that hill called Calvary. The very thought of
Calvary suggests agony. Imagine the agony of having nails driven through
your hands and your feet! Imagine the agony of having a sword being
thrust into your side! Imagine the agony of having to listen to the insults
of the very people whom you came to save! Imagine the agony of