But God!!!
Contributed by Phillip Ramey on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Circumstances change when GOD gets involved.
Circumstances change when Jesus gets inolved:
*the blind boy ("...as Jesus passed by...")-John 9
*woman with issue of blood("...when she heard of Jesus...")-Mark 5
*Lazarus("...then when Jesus came...")-John 11
*The world (Changed forever at Calvary)
*Me (I got saved!)
A. Dead in Tresspasses and Sin
1. Miserable condition.
2. All those who are in sin are dead in sin.
B. State of Separation
1. Cut off from your power source, source of
2. Physical death separates you from breath,
food, everything neccessary for life.
Spiritual death, being dead in tresspasses
and sins, separates you from God.
3. When something is dead it shows no emotions
or feelings.
Someone dead in sin has no concern for
spiritual things.-"...For the preaching of
the cross is to them which perish,
C. Conformed to the World
1. "Wherein in times past ye walked according
to the course of this world." (v.2)
2. We was lost, dead in sin, we was "out in
the world", so we behaved as people of the
world behave.
3. We strived to fulfill the lusts and desires
of the flesh and mind.
D. We Where All Sinners
1. Rom. 5:12-"...by one man sin entered ...
death by sin...."
2. "...death reigned from Adam to Moses...."
3. "...all have sinned..." "...the wages of
sin is death..."
***What a horrible condition we was in, and others are still in. Dead in tresspasses and sin, separated from God, servants of sin, "having no hope and without God in the world." ...BUT GOD...***
A. Loved Us
1.For Sinners
-"...God so loved the world.." -Jn 3:16
-"...but God commendeth His love toward
us..." -Rom. 5:8
2.Unconditional Love
- 1 John 4:9-10
3.Remarkable Love
- "Behold what manner of love the father
hath bestowed upon us, that we should be
called the sons of God..."
* God loves us, and there is nothing we can do
about it!!!
B. Quickened US (Saved Us)
1. Psalm 40:2
2. There was nothing we could do to merit this
we couldn’t earn it, but by grace trough
faith He saved us.
3. He didn’t just patch up our old life, but
gave us a brand new one through Christ
4. Saved us through the preaching of the
5. A "Free Gift"
C. Raised Us Up Together In Heavenly Places
1. We don’t have to be dead anymore.
-"..if any man be in Christ, he is a new
-John 11: When Jesus raised Lazarus, he
came out of the place he was in when he
was dead.
-We don’t have to dwell in the graveyards
of sin anymore, God has raised us up.
2. Gave us a new position.
-We are sons of God, heirs of God, joint
heirs with Christ.
-We was once a far off, but now made nigh
to God by the blood of Christ (Eph. 2:13)
ME, QUICKENED ME(saved me, made me alive), AND GAVE ME A NEW POSITION***