Business As Usual
Contributed by Brian Harvison on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: A short sermon fictionalzing what it might have been like in the early church, showing us that the Apostles were normal men, and that everything we do should be done to the glory of God
Business as usual
Early Church Business Meeting
I want us to imagine what an early church business meeting was like
Lets imagine Peter was the moderator
Ok I declare us in conference for discussion of this months business
First lets hear our clerks report Brother Matthew
Last month on the third day of the second month we were declared in conference
The clerks and treasurers report was read
Followed by a report from Philip on the goings on in Galilee while we were away
There was no old business to discuss
In new business we voted on to allow two more seminars this year from Dr. Luke the first being next week and the second one later on this year after the harvest
The Zebedee brothers recommended getting three different quotes for the boat repairs needed
And Bartholomew volunteered to get those
With no further business to discuss we voted to dismiss
Thank you Brother Matthew
Now our treasurers report Brother Judas
We have 250 denarius in our account
We could have more if it wasn’t for the fact that this month we gave away on three different occasions 5 denarius to the poor
Which I firmly objected to I might add
We received several contributions to our funds from the women that helped us while touring Galilee
And we received an anonymous gift of 50 denarius last week
Our pay outs have been at a minimum this month
3 denarius to the market for food
And 2 denarius to Mary and Martha for their services last time we were in Bethany
Total paid out this month was 20 denarius
And total taken in was 60 giving us the ending balance of 250 denarius
Thank you Judas and Praise God for the blessing He has provided
Now do we have any reports?
Yes Brother Simon has a report
This months Pharisee report is grave
We have noticed an dramatic increase in the amount of persecution of the Master
Several attempts on His life have occurred
And more and more murmurs are being heard about a possible even stronger attempt to take His life
I urge each one of you to be on guard
All threats need to be taken seriously
I hope we all can stick together and stand strong with Jesus
If the time comes for us to fight
We need to be ready to defend our Lord with our very lives
Thank you Simon, and yes I hope we will all have the courage to defend the Master if the need arises
Ok any old business?
Yes the baskets
Anyone who still hasn’t turned in their baskets we used for the collection of leftover food from the feeding of the multitude needs to turn those back in
Speaking of that its good to see Thomas back with us tonight
After his bought with food poisoning from eating that leftover fish way to long after the miracle took place
We have a thank you card that we will pass around to sign for Dr. Luke for his time he spent with Thomas during his sickness
Bartholomew has an update on the boat repairs
Yes Peter, I have received two quotes
One from Galilee’s Sport and Tackle for 15 denarius
And one from Zachariah and Son Carpentry for 18
And I am still waiting on the third quote to come in
So I make a motion we wait until next month to make a decision for I should have the third quote by then
All those in favor of waiting until next month say Yea
And opposed say Nay
Motion carries
Any other old business?
Ok new business?
Ok for anyone that didn’t hear that Judas wants to make a motion that we greatly reduce the amount of donations to the poor for the next 2 months in order to prepare for the Passover Feast?
Do I hear a motion to that effect?
Ok is there a second?
No second?
Ok the motion fails
Our support of the poor will go on as scheduled
Any other new business?
Remember the Sabbath is coming up in two days
And Passover is just 2 months away so we do need to start looking for a place to meet and who will provide the meal
And remember next week we will be blessed with another seminar from Dr. Luke
This one is on fighting depression caused by fishing withdrawals
I know you wont want to miss that, I know I am looking forward to it myself
And we all learned some valuable lessons from his last seminar From Head to Toe
How not to neglect proper dental and foot care
If there is no other business I entertain a motion to adjourn
All those in favor please stand
This is probably not how it happened