
Summary: This message is about freedom and bearing the burdens of others. “It is for freedom Christ has set us free” (Gal. 5:1, NIV).

Father God, Lord Jesus, hallowed is Your holy name. We patiently wait for Your kingdom to come and Your will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. We thank You, Lord, for calling us to Your Ministry of Reconciliation. Lord, we pray for a renewal in the spirit of everyone called by Your name. Thank you, Lord, for blessing those who thirst to hear your Word. Lord, strengthen us with the knowledge to speak for the widows, children, poor, oppressed, and all those who are marginalized. May the words of my mouth bear witness to my transformation as a new creation and my belief that You are all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-seeing. Lord, guide me to speak words pleasing to Your ears and food for Your people. Thank You for Your Son Jesus, who lived, died, and lived again so the people who believe and are called by Your name can claim eternal life. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

This message is about freedom and bearing the burdens of others. These are not my words; caring for each other and bearing the burdens of others is God’s BIG IDEA. “It is for freedom Christ has set us free” (Gal. 5:1, NIV). By faith, we are free, not by the law. As you have seen in recent times, man’s laws can change on the whim of a human leader, and some changes do not serve anyone except the change agent. Humans change their minds; however, I am fully convinced that Christ is the same today, yesterday, and forever. So, I implore you not to take your freedom for granted and not base your freedom on man’s laws.

Freedom from Christ requires us to love our neighbors and enemies. Humans are born into families, and most of us have extended families. Even though there is evidence that the numbers are decreasing, many still attend church, giving us a church family, brothers and sisters in Christ. We live in a community, and most of us go further and serve that community. This process of family, church, and community is what God puts us through to prepare us to love one another and look out for the well-being and interests of others. This process is paramount for building each other up, especially in times like these. Believing that God lives and His Word is infallible in your heart, mind, and soul is also necessary for victory in Christ. Anyone can say they believe; remember, Scripture says even the devil believes. Do you believe in your heart, mind, and soul? Christian beliefs should be so deeply embedded in who you are that nobody can make you doubt Him.

I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, and I accept my mission to carry out the Great Commission and tell you what the Word of God says. I do this on His authority, not mine. Whether you listen or believe it is up to you. We can find various reasons not to listen to someone (skin color, gender, family background, etc.). However, I implore you to listen carefully when the Word of God is spoken because His truth provides profound wisdom for us in this world where corruption is out of control. Listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit.

Before we can help someone, we must recognize when someone has fallen away or been placed in a compromising position; the Holy Spirit helps us with that. We live in a world where the weak are often preyed upon or they are overlooked and marginalized. Sometimes, they are even demonized, like the Haitians in Springfield, Ohio, the women in Afghanistan, and the innocent Palestinian people (Not talking about Hamas). Christians should be able to empathize with the horrible deaths of women and children without being accused of being terrorist sympathizers.

The God we serve says, “Now we who are strong ought to bear the weaknesses of those without strength, and not just please ourselves” (Rom. 15:1, NASB). You are listening to me to come to the knowledge of truth concerning the Word of God, not to please yourself. Demonizing others may serve a purpose outside the Church but not inside the Church or God’s Kingdom. So, let us stop pretending that being unkind, mean-spirited, and just downright hateful is godly or normal.

When did it become normal to kill women and children? I am old enough to remember when no children were killed in movies. I remember the first movie I saw a child killed. When did it become normal to bully people? We teach our children not to bully other children. Can you imagine what they are thinking when they see grown men and women bullying people? When did it become normal to threaten people with revenge? God says, “Vengeance is mine; I will repay.” God instructs His followers to accept those who are weak without making thoughtless judgments and providing impulsive and irresponsible opinions that further divide the Body of Christ and add nothing to the Kingdom of God.

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