Brokenness - What God Wants From Us Series
Contributed by Oyewole O. Sarumi on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: God does not see as man sees. He placed high premium on broken things. He prefers to deal and bless only things and people that are broken. However, when compared to man, the gap is huge. Man prefers things that are not broken and places value on such. On
Text: Psa.34:18, 51:17,
God placed high value on broken things. He is not like men who placed no worth on broken things such as broken plates, mirrors, furniture, and are treated as trash or things meant for the dung hill. Some things in the life of the broken appeals to God and He gives them honour and grant their request – Jam.4:6.
So God’s purpose for all workers is that we should be broken in three forms:
a. Broken in heart )
b. Broken in spirit ) IICor.4:6-18
c. Broken in the body )
Elements of Brokenness
The question is: What is meant by true brokenness? How does it manifest in the life of a Christian who is heaven-bound? Some of these elements are highlighted below were excerpts from the teachings of William Macdonald titled “Lord, Break Me” :
a. Repentance, Confession and Apology
Genuine repentance says, “I have done wrong and I’m here to say that I’m sorry”. Just like David did in Psalms 32 and 51. In the New Testament, Paul also repents and apologise to the High priest who ordered him to be slapped in Acts 23.
b. Restitution
If you have stolen, damaged or injured someone or thing, or if someone has suffered loss because of your misbehaviour, apology is not enough. Justice demands that the loss be repudiated whether it was done before or after conversion. The example pf Zacchaeus in Lk19:1-8 suffice here.
c. Forgiving Heart
Whenever we have been wronged, we should immediately forgive the person in our hearts – Eph.4:32. Then if a great offence, go to him and speak to him about it – Matt.18:15. If he repents, then we forgive him – Read Luke 17:4. Don’t report offender to a third party, get to him and tell him so as to get the offence confined as possible. If he refuses, then take one or two others with you and approach him – Matt.18:16. In forgiveness, let’s shun vindictiveness or desire to punish/suffer the offender. Please note that God hates an unforgiving spirit. – Matt.18:23-35.
d. Enduring wrong without retaliation
This is a humble spirit that suffer for doing the right thing and does not retaliate – I Pet.2:23. All workers are called into this type of life – I Pet.2:19-20.
e. Repaying evil with Good
This is an advance level of brokenness. A worker is not only to bear wrong patiently, but to reward all wrongs with goodness – Rom.12:17, 20-21.
f. Honouring others above self
This is the brand of brokenness that esteem others better than oneself – Phil.2:3. Abram and Lot exemplified this very well in Gen.13:1-13 when quarrel broke out between their herdsmen. Abram took the step by telling Lot that there’s no need for us to fight, take wherever you think pleases you, and I will take the opposite side. Even Paul admonished the Church in Rome in Rom.12:10. Are you this type of worker as demonstrated by Old testament saints?
g. Prompt Obedience
God wants all workers to be broken in accepting and obeying His will not partially, part-wise, but instantly, completely and in full details. Those who have understanding of God and His ways will obey – Psa.32:9. An unbroken Jonah knew what God wanted him to do – Go preach repentance to Nineveh, but he took another ship facing different direction. Is there a Jonah in you? You may end up in the belly of fish (fire, problem, challenges etc) before you will do the right thing.
h. Death to public opinion
We must be brought to this level if we are genuinely broken – i.e. dead to peoples, world’s applause or frowns. A truly broken worker will not be moved by people’s comment – positive or negative, commendation or even rebuke. All should be taken as Jesus took it from the people of His days.
i. Confessing others sins as our own
A worker need to so broken that he will be confessing the sins of others – especially God’s people as his own as Daniel did in Daniel 9:3-19. Though not personally guilty, but identified himself so closely with Israel that their sins became his own. Are you such a worker? When we get to this level, instead of criticizing others and pointing accusing fingers to them, we would be confessing their sins as our own.
j. Keeping ones cool during crisis.
This involves poise and equanimity in the crisis of life and ministry. There will be some delay, unplanned interruptions, breakdowns, accidents of life, disappointments, betrayals as we relate together as workers in the vineyard. Let this not provoke annoyance, fretfulness or tempers. The way of brokenness is to keep cool during such crisis of life and ministry. Please note this – Phil.2:13.