
Summary: It is a reflection for Maundy Thursday on contemporary leadership.

Broken for Humanity

Scripture: John 13:1-17

Introduction: It is a reflection for Maundy Thursday on contemporary leadership.


Maundy Thursday marks a significant event in Christian tradition—the Last Supper, where Jesus washed his disciples' feet, demonstrating humility, service, and sacrifice. This reflection explores the relevance of this ancient narrative for contemporary leadership, particularly in its emphasis on brokenness, humility, and service. In a world often characterized by ambition and power struggles, the lessons from Maundy Thursday offer profound insights for leaders seeking to make a positive impact in today's society.


The narrative of Maundy Thursday begins with a profound sense of foreboding. Jesus, aware of his impending betrayal and crucifixion, enters the Upper Room with a heavy heart. Despite his divine nature, he willingly embraces his vulnerability and brokenness, setting the stage for an act of profound significance. In breaking bread and sharing wine with his disciples, Jesus foreshadows his sacrificial death—a symbol of redemption and reconciliation for humanity.

Contemporary leadership often idolizes strength and invincibility, portraying vulnerability as a weakness to be concealed. However, the story of Maundy Thursday challenges this notion, inviting leaders to embrace their own brokenness and imperfections. By acknowledging their limitations and struggles, leaders can cultivate authenticity and empathy, fostering deeper connections with their teams and stakeholders. In a culture that often values perfection over authenticity, embracing vulnerability can be a radical act of leadership, inspiring trust and resilience in others.


The heart of Maundy Thursday lies in Jesus' act of washing his disciples' feet—an act of radical humility that transcends cultural norms and expectations. In a society where status and power often dictate social interactions, Jesus overturns conventional hierarchies, demonstrating that true leadership is rooted in service and humility. By stooping to perform the task of a servant, Jesus challenges his disciples—and all future leaders—to reevaluate their understanding of power and authority.

Contemporary leaders can learn from Jesus' example by embracing a servant leadership mindset—one that prioritizes the needs of others over personal ambition or ego. In a world characterized by self-interest and competition, servant leaders stand out for their willingness to listen, empathize, and serve those under their care. By fostering a culture of humility and collaboration, leaders can empower their teams to achieve collective goals and make a meaningful difference in the world.


At its core, Maundy Thursday is a story of sacrificial love and service. Jesus, knowing the pain and suffering that awaited him, chose to spend his final moments on earth serving others—washing feet, breaking bread, and sharing words of comfort and encouragement. His selfless actions serve as a model for contemporary leaders, reminding them that true leadership is not about personal gain or recognition but about serving a higher purpose and making a positive impact on the lives of others.

For leaders today, the concept of service extends beyond individual acts of kindness to encompass a broader commitment to social responsibility and ethical leadership. In a world grappling with complex challenges such as inequality, injustice, and environmental degradation, leaders have a responsibility to use their influence and resources for the greater good. By advocating for marginalized communities, promoting sustainability, and championing social justice causes, leaders can contribute to positive social change and create a more equitable and compassionate society.

As we reflect on the significance of Maundy Thursday, we are reminded of the enduring relevance of its lessons for contemporary leadership. The narrative of brokenness, humility, and service challenges leaders to embrace vulnerability, prioritize the needs of others, and lead with compassion and integrity. In a world characterized by division and strife, the example of Jesus Christ offers a powerful vision of leadership—one rooted in love, humility, and self-sacrifice. As leaders strive to make a positive impact in their organizations and communities, may they be guided by the timeless wisdom of Maundy Thursday, remembering that true leadership is ultimately about serving others and building a better world for all.

May the heart of Jesus live in the hearts of all. Amen…

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