Bricks Or Sticks (The Choice Is Yours)
Contributed by David Ibeleme on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: An Expose on the Judgement of the Believer's works by God
Bricks or Sticks
(The Choice Is Yours)
Bishop David Ibeleme
1 Cor. 3:11-16; 9:27.
Resurrection of the Dead and Eternal Judgement – Heb. 6:2-4.
The basic principles of the doctrine of Christ include eternal judgement and resurrection of the dead – Heb. 6:1ff.
There is indeed an eternal judgement which shall follow the resurrection.
There are two (2) major dimensions to the resurrection of the dead.
1. The First Resurrection
This involves the dead and the living saints, hence it will include;
The resurrection of the dead in Christ – 1 Thess. 4:13ff.
The rapture of the glorious church – 1 Thess. 4:13ff.
The rapture of the 144,000 Jewish Evangelists and their converts; these are also referred to as the great company – Rev. 7; 14.
The resurrection (rapture) of the two witnesses – Rev. 11.
Those who are part of this resurrection will escape the second or eternal death.
They will also not be part of the great white throne judgement – Rev. 20:5ff.
This is because the first resurrection does not deal with sin nature because this was already dealt with in the lives of these people by the Lord – 2 Cor. 5:16ff.
2. The Last Resurrection – Rev. 20.
This is the resurrection of all the wicked dead of all ages.
These folks will be judged at the great white throne judgement.
These will be judged according to their works and if their names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.
Those whose names are not found there would be cast into the lake that burns with fire and brimstone.
They will also experience eternal death and would NEVER be saved.
Eternal Judgement is essentially two-fold
1. The “Great White Throne” Judgement.
This was described earlier – Rev. 20:5ff.
It also deals with the sin question or issue forever.
At this, all the things one ever did (all sins ever committed) would be replayed and then judged.
All those who didn’t get an opportunity to receive Jesus would be part of this.
2. The “Great Works” Judgement – 1 Cor. 3:10ff; 2 Cor. 5:10ff.
This deals with the judgement of believers.
There is no replay of all the things one did (all sins ever committed).
God’s grace and mercy took care of the believer’s sin nature – 2 Cor. 5:16-21.
It basically deals with one’s works as a believer.
It is the judgement for rewards – Col. 3:24; 2 Tim. 4:7ff; Rev. 22:12.
This is designed to ascertain our rewards in Christ – Heb. 11:6; 2 Jn. 2:7-9.
The Believer and Works
We are not saved by works but by grace through faith – Eph. 2:8-9.
However believers are expected to perform works of grace following salvation.
Faith without works or corresponding action is dead – Jam. 2:17.
Our works determine whether we are vessels of honour or not – 2 Tim. 2:19ff.
As believers our rewards are based on the nature of our works of grace/faith.
This reflects what we use to build on Christ the foundation – 1 Cor. 3:11.
Our works; precious stones (bricks) or wood, hay etc. (sticks) will be tried by fire.
Bricks (Precious Stones) or Sticks (Wood etc.) – 1 Cor. 3:11; 2 Cor. 4:17ff.
Sticks speak of temporary works which can’t withstand the fire of God’s judgement.
Bricks speak of eternal works which can withstand the fire of God’s judgement.
Everything that we can see is temporal hence they are part of the sticks.
Everything that we cannot see are eternal hence they are part of the bricks.
The sticks are therefore carnal or natural, while the bricks are spiritual.
This means the bricks are actually matters of the heart – fruit of the spirit – Gal. 5.
It deals with our motives which can only be seen by God – Prov. 20:24; 20:27.
The Bricks – Your Treasure; Your Heart
The bricks speak of things of eternal value or treasure – Matt. 6:20.
Where your treasure is, there shall your heart be also – Matt. 6:21; Lk. 12:15, 21.
The bricks are matters of the heart, hence spiritual.
You cannot judge the bricks primarily by the things you see – 2 Cor. 4:17-18.
Three (3) things locate your treasure or your heart.
Your Calendar
This speaks of your time.
What you spend most of your time on is a reflection of your heart.
Your Capital
This speaks of your money – Matt. 6:24; 1 Tim. 6:10, 17.
What you spend most of your money on is also a reflection of what’s in your heart.