Breathe On Me Breath Of God.
Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jun 18, 2024 (message contributor)
Summary: The remission or retaining of sins is declarative, and belongs to the task of preaching the gospel.
John 20:19-23.
It was the evening of the first day of the week: the day of the resurrection; the first day of the new creation. The disciples met together behind closed doors “for fear” (John 20:19). Fear stifles faith: this is why the Lord and His messengers so often say, ‘Fear not.’
Suddenly, and inexplicably, Jesus stood in their midst! That Jesus was able to do this is informative of the nature of the resurrection body. Walls and locked doors are no barrier, but His was still a flesh and bone body (John 20:20; cf. John 20:27).
We can hardly imagine how startled the disciples were! Jesus’ first words to them were both familiar and reassuring: “Peace be with you” (John 20:19). Having proclaimed the Peace, Jesus displayed the marks of the Cross (John 20:20).
Imagine the delight that the disciples now felt, that their crucified Lord had most surely risen from the dead! Think of their joy, also, at His presence! Jesus repeated His greeting, and commissioned His disciples as Apostles (John 20:21).
Then Jesus breathed on them and said, “Receive ye the Holy Ghost” (John 20:22). Just as the LORD had breathed the life-giving spirit into Adam, so our Lord was symbolically infusing His Apostles with His own resurrection power, thereby anticipating the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the whole church at Pentecost. (This text gives us grounds to believe - along with the creeds of the church - that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Son, as well as from the Father.)
The remission or retaining of sins (John 20:23) is declarative, and belongs to the task of preaching the gospel. Just as the high priest declared who was clean and who was unclean in cases of leprosy, so the Apostles were empowered to pronounce who would be forgiven (Acts 10:43), and who would not be forgiven (John 3:18). This is in keeping with prophetic language (Jeremiah 1:10). (Modern-day preachers share this authority only inasmuch as they faithfully proclaim what is taught in the Word of God.)