Breaking Free From Worry Series
Contributed by Steve Pearman on Mar 17, 2025 (message contributor)
Summary: This is the last of the series on worry. Today we look at changing or worry habit and focusing on Jesus Christ
Introduction: The Pattern of Worry
We’ve had 3 weeks of teaching on the subject of worry.
I hope that many of you are now worrying less than you did at the start of the series.
Worry has become so normal in our culture that we too often accept it as just a part of life.
We say things like, “I’m just a worrier” or
“That’s just how life is.”
But Those of us who follow Jesus Christ and say that He is Lord
have to take seriously His instruction (given more than once) of “do not worry”.
He is saying that worry is a choice, and we have to take action in our lives so that we “Do not worry”.
Romans 12:2 challenges us to think differently:
1. Don’t conform to the world’s way of thinking.
The world normalises worry, but God calls us to trust.
2. Be transformed by renewing your mind.
Worry isn’t just an emotion; it’s a mindset that we can change.
3. Know God’s will. When our minds are renewed, we see life through the lens of His love and provision.
So let’s have one more look at this, in the hope that every single one of us leaves this series worrying less - if at all!
And if you are thinking, “Well that’s gonna happen” you are not following the will of Jesus Christ.
This is serious.
It’s why the New Testament spends a lot of time giving the instruction, “Do not worry”.
Jesus tells us again and again, “Do not worry” - Why?
Because our Father in heaven provides.
We have to TRUST Him, and sit Him in the control seat of our life.
God promises, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5).
The world asks, “What if everything falls apart?” but God reassures us, “I hold all things together” (Colossians 1:17).
If we want to break free from worry, we must stop treating it as normal and start replacing it with the unshakable truth of God’s Word.
Renewing Your Mind (Rom 12): The Process of Rewiring
Our minds are shaped by what we repeatedly think.
A neural path is set.
If we allow worry to dominate our thoughts, it becomes our natural response to life’s challenges.
But Romans 12:2 tells us that transformation happens through the renewing of our minds.
This means we don’t have to stay trapped in old patterns of fear and anxiety — we can retrain our thinking to align with God’s truth.
Every time we think a thought, it strengthens a neural pathway.
If we constantly worry, our brains build strong worry pathways.
But our brains can change!
Scientists agree with what the bible teaches – our brain can be rewired – can be renewed.
It’s why in Philippians 4:8, we are told to focus on
“Whatever is true, pure, right, admirable etc . . .
because, if we do that day in and day out, we will train (renew) our mind.
Based on bible teaching, should there be a negative-thinking Christian? NO
So, we already know how to rewire our mind against worry:
It’s swapping negative thoughts for positive ones.
Choose an anxious thought that doesn’t align with God’s truth.
o Example: “I’m always going to struggle in life” and replace it with a positive promise from God’s word
o Truth: “The Lord is my Shepherd; I lack nothing” (Psalm 23:1).
Replace the negative with the positive.
And watch the transformation happen in your life.
We don’t just stop worrying — we actively have to replace worry with God’s promises.
o Worry says: “I don’t know what’s going to happen.”
o God says: “I know the plans I have for you” (Jeremiah 29:11).
o Worry says: “I have to know all the answers.”
o God says: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart” (Proverbs 3:5-6).
I have put together some verses that you can replace your worries with. See sheet of bible promises to conquer worry
Every time a worry creeps in, counter it with Scriptural truth.
Speak God’s Word out loud,
write it down, and
meditate on it until it sinks in.
Work at this.
Repeat Until It Becomes Your New Default neural pathway.
This change takes time; but the more we focus on God’s truth, the weaker the old worry pathways become, and the stronger our trust in God grows.
o When worry comes, don’t entertain it.
Interrupt it!
o Replace anxiety with prayer (Philippians 4:6-7).
o Surround yourself with faith-building content — Scripture, worship, godly conversations.
o Practice gratitude. When we thank God daily, it rewires our mind to see His goodness.
(Matthew 14:28-31)
In the storm, Peter stepped out in faith and walked on water toward Jesus.
But when he shifted his focus to the wind and waves, he began to sink.