Breaking Bread Together Series
Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: 247 million Americans call themselves Christians yet Jesus calls us to be disciples. What is a disciple and what are the cost and sacrifices to be a disciple. (Taken from a series by Pastor Craig Groeschel of LifeChurch.tv)
Series- on being a Disciple versus a Christian.
As we have seen, many in our culture call themselves Christians, but few truly live like disciples.
What is a disciple?
Lk 14:26-27 (+ Living Bible, Amplified Bible)
If you come to Jesus, you must live a certain way to be a disciple- (if not, you are a cultural Christian).
In other words, your belief system must/will affect the way you live, if you are a disciple.
Lk 14:28-29
There is a cost, or commitment, to being a disciple.
Rami Ayyad ran a Christian bookstore in Gaza. He regularly received angry threats and the bookstore was firebombed in April. Last month (Oct), He kidnapped. He was publicly tortured, stabbed multiple times, and shot through the head. He left a wife/two small children behind.
Rami loved God more than his own life.
When we come to hear a sermon or go to a Christian conference- looking for new revelation/insights.
Do we need more information OR should we focus on living what we already know.
Mtt 22:36-40
Jews- 1600 commandments- Jesus narrows down to 2.
In week one- Disciples …
Touch Lepers
Befriend Prostitutes
Offend Pharisees
In week two- Disciples …
Go fishing- disciples make disciples
In week three- Disciples …
Wash smelly feet (serve one another)
Many aspects of a disciples life involves other people, it involves relationships- in and outside the church.
In the year 2001, there was a house in Chicago. It was run down, weeds everywhere, apparently abandoned. Neighbors would sometimes mow the lawn. The house finally came up for auction because of back taxes. Someone bought the house. They went into it to clean it up, and what they found was horrifying. Instead of just finding an old run-down house, they actually found a man named Adolph Stec, who had apparently died of natural causes, sitting alone in his reading chair. Next to Adolph Stec was a newspaper. In the year 2001, he was sitting next to a newspaper dated 1997. Apparently, this man had been dead for four years- no one even noticed, not a neighbor/relative/friend. How does someone die and no one notice?
How does someone come into to this building to visit with us on Sunday morning and no one notice?
Just had a complaint about this two weeks ago.
Talk today about breaking bread TOGETHER
Act 2:46
Where did the disciples meet?
The early church met both in the temple, or corporate setting, and in individual houses together.
Breaking of bread- more than just Communion- they did life together publicly/in one another’s homes.
I wonder how the meals then compared w/meals today
In many homes meals are hit/run- grab a bite to eat, run the kids off to ballet, boy scouts, band practice.
Many families do not take time to eat together.
Meals taken together in the NT- much more leisurely and seemed to have a greater priority.
Lets look at the setting in Acts 2 … Peter had just preached and 3000 added to the church.
What we find in Acts 2 …
Disciples break bread and doing life together.
Act 2:42
What were the disciples devoting themselves to?
Apostles teaching,
breaking of bread,
Devoted- to be constantly diligent, persevere in, adhere to closely.
There commitment to … teaching, fellowship, breaking bread, prayer- was not …
accidental or incidental or unintentional- they were earnest in pursuing these things …
both in the temple in and in their homes.
Fellowship- koinonea- partnership, participation- social intercourse- speaks of relational intimacy
with one another.
We increasing our focus on Home Fellowships, but- we will be calling them- House Churches.
This is the term used in the Bible …
1 Cor 16:19 The churches of Asia greet you. Aquila and Prisca greet you heartily in the Lord, with the church that is in their house.
You will not be part of a House Church accidentally- it must be an intentional decision.
House Churches are a Biblical form of community.
Are we too busy for, or not interested in, what the NT puts forth as part of the normal Christian life?
Assembling together in the temple/home.
We have talked about the difference between the terms Christian and disciple.
In reality- should be no difference- one in the same.
When I think of a Christian I think of a relationship with Jesus- a personal relationship- essential.
However- our relationship w/Jesus- never intended to be private- personal yes- private no!
It is not intended to be- I have God, I love God, and therefore I do not need the church.
A disciple does not have just a personal relationship with Jesus- He has a shared relationship w/Jesus.
Mtt 18:20 "For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst." NASU