
Bread of Life

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 25, 2023
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Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life, satisfies our deepest hunger and quenches our thirst, providing all that we need through faith in Him.


Good morning, church family! Today, we're going to dive into a passage of Scripture that will nourish our souls and remind us of the amazing provision of God's grace in our lives. Do you ever feel like you're hungry for something more, something that will truly satisfy the deepest longings of your heart? Well, I've got some good news for you – Jesus Christ is the answer to that hunger, and our faith in Him brings us the satisfaction we're searching for.

Before we jump into the passage, I want to share a quote with you from A.W. Tozer. He said, "The man who has God for his treasure has all things in One." Isn't that so true? When we have Jesus, the Bread of Life, we truly have all that we need.

Now, let's open our Bibles to John 6:25-35:

Christ the Bread of Life

In this passage, Jesus declares Himself as the Bread of Life, a statement that carries with it deep implications for our understanding of who Christ is and what He offers to us.

The context: The people who had followed Him across the lake were seeking more of the miraculous provision they had experienced when Jesus fed the five thousand with just a few loaves and fish. They were hungry for more of the physical sustenance that Jesus had provided, but Jesus redirects their focus to something far more important – the spiritual nourishment that only He can give. By identifying Himself as the Bread of Life, Jesus is making a bold claim about His identity and mission. He is not merely a miracle worker or a wise teacher; He is the very source of life itself, the one who can satisfy the deepest longings of the human soul.

The image of bread: It represents a basic necessity for physical survival. Throughout history, bread has been a staple food in many cultures, providing sustenance and nourishment to countless generations. In the same way that physical bread sustains our bodies, Jesus, the Bread of Life, sustains our spirits. He is the essential ingredient for a life that is truly alive, a life that is connected to God and filled with His presence.

The spiritual hunger that Jesus satisfies: It is a hunger for meaning, purpose, and connection – a hunger that is rooted in the very core of our being. We were created by God for a relationship with Him, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in Him.

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As St. Augustine wrote, "You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You." This spiritual hunger is universal, affecting people of all cultures, backgrounds, and walks of life. It is a hunger that cannot be satisfied by material possessions, worldly success, or human relationships. Only Jesus, the Bread of Life, can truly satisfy this deep longing within us.

Christ brings about a transformation in our lives: Our priorities shift, our values change, and our hearts are filled with a new sense of purpose and direction. We begin to see the world through the lens of God's kingdom, recognizing that our ultimate satisfaction comes not from the things of this world but from the eternal life that Jesus offers. This transformation is not a one-time event but an ongoing process, as we continually draw near to Christ and allow Him to nourish and sustain us.

He is not a resource that can be depleted or exhausted: In the physical realm, bread must be continually produced and consumed to sustain life. But Jesus, the Bread of Life, is an inexhaustible source of spiritual nourishment. As we come to Him in faith, we find that He is always sufficient to meet our needs, no matter how great or small. His grace is abundant, His love is unending, and His presence is a constant source of strength and comfort.

Understanding the Lord's Supper, or Communion: In this sacred meal, we partake of bread and wine as symbols of Christ's body and blood, which were broken and shed for our salvation. As we eat the bread and drink the wine, we are reminded of the incredible sacrifice that Jesus made on our behalf, and we are invited to partake of the spiritual nourishment that He offers. In this way, the Lord's Supper serves as a tangible reminder of our dependence on Christ, the Bread of Life, for our spiritual sustenance and growth.

Important note: Jesus does not say that those who come to Him will never experience physical hunger or thirst. Rather, He is speaking of a deeper, spiritual satisfaction that transcends our physical needs. In a world that is filled with pain, suffering, and unmet needs, this promise of spiritual satisfaction may seem difficult to grasp. However, as we grow in our faith and learn to trust in Christ's provision, we discover that His grace is sufficient to carry us through even the most challenging circumstances.

The Provision of God's Grace

Jesus satisfies our spiritual hunger: In verse 35, Jesus says, "I am the bread of life ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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