Blessing In Disguise
Contributed by Andrew Drummond on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Often it is difficult for us to see too far past our circumstances. In doing so we forget that God is always up to something good, if we will just put our faith in Him. There are many blessings in life that don’t look like blessings at first...
I was speaking with my mother the other day and she said that when she woke up she asked God to be involved in every part of her day. As she was about to sit down for a nice lunch with her sisters she got a call to rush a family member to the hospital. She then had to wait in the hospital waiting for the better part of the day. For some reason when we ask God to be apart of our lives we assume that it’s going to make things nice and pleasant all the time. Like a continual worship service. Although this is a well known phrase, what does it really mean to you? Of course we want to pray for blessings in our lives, but how do we react when God does things to produce in us the things that will bless us in the future. What happens when we get blessings in disguise? God chooses to bless us all the time, although sometimes the only way to receive some of His blessings we need to have crisis first.
2 Hidden Blessings
1. Endurance, Character and Confidence
It is one thing to claim to be a believer, but it is entirely different to prove it. Character is easily one of the most valuable things that we have as Christians. Often times we don’t think about our character, but let me tell you something. If you have told others that you are a Christian then it is something that they are looking at for sure! Character is what defines us; it’s what separates through the experiences of life. Something so arduously developed must have great value and someone with good character is truly blessed.
“Slowly I began to understand that the plans God has for us don’t just include ‘good things’, but the whole array of human events. The ‘prospering’ he talks about in the book of Jeremiah is often the outcome of a ‘bad’ event. I remember my mom saying that many people look for miracles- things that in their human minds ‘fix’ a difficult situation. Many miracles, however, are not a change to the normal course of human events; they’re found in God’s ability and desire to sustain and nurture people through even the worst situations. Somewhere along the way, I stopped demanding that God fix the problems in my life and started to be thankful for his presence as I endured them.” Lisa Beamer
We can only learn of God’s presence in our lives through trials and struggles. You will never develop muscles that you never use. When you have a thorough workout you feel pain in places you never knew existed the next day. The reason is because you have worked muscles you never worked before. Don’t get discouraged though, it is better to have all your muscles in shape, although it may cost you some pain for a month or so. The same goes for character and spiritual development. In these times we are forced into relying on Him. Disguised as a trial God is trying to bless your life with endurance, character and confidence which are good and lasting things.
2. Something better
Many times the things that most want in life are snatched from us. Sometimes the things we think are most important get frustrated and fall apart. The other blessing that comes from this sort of experience is that God needs for us to see things totally ripped apart in order for Him to get our attention and give us what He knows is better. This is tough, I know because I have experienced these sorts of things in life. There is a familiar passage that I want to direct your attention to at this point.
“This is the message from the one who is holy and true. He is the one who has the key of David. He opens doors, and no one can shut them; he shuts doors, and no one can open them.” Rev. 3:7
What a relieving scripture. That means that if something isn’t happening then it’s because God doesn’t want it to happen, but accepting that takes some getting used to. God is never interested in destroying us; He loves us. Although it is very difficult for us to recognize or even think about at the time, God does things for our good. Sometimes it’s all God can do to get your focus away from going down the wrong path. When rejection, pain, and sufferings come God is taking time out to investing your life specifically and trying to take you somewhere you’ve never been before and give you things you have never attained before. Easy to say I know, but the truth is there. While Job was going through his illness; his requests to die or be healed were rejected by the Lord. God didn’t even respond to him because God had something better in store for Him, things Job couldn’t see. After testing and stretching Job God blessed His life with much more then what he had before (Job 42). Do you think Job was looking back wishing he could go back, trade it in for what he had before? No, and when you begin to see how God changes your trials into blessings you will thank Him for what has happened in your life. Trials into testimonies! Regardless of what you think, God has something better in store for you.