
Summary: Finding contentment in Jesus, no matter what your circumstances of life might be.

Blessed No Matter What State I’m In

James 1:9-11

I. The Poor Man

A. Lacking in a material or social sense

1. money

2. status

3. friends

4. family

B. Generally looked down upon by others

C. Take pride

1. The ability to look past circumstances

2. See themselves as children of God

a. High position

b. Access to the riches of Heaven

c. full reliance on God

3. Have been given the ultimate gift

a. Eternal Life

b. In Jesus Christ

II. The Rich Man

A. Successful In The Worlds Eyes

1. Money

2. Prestige

3. Perfect Smile

4. Friends

B. Be Humble

1. God has shown spiritual poverty - riches give false security

a. riches do not buy eternity

b. friends do not buy love

c. prestige does not insure security

2. Still a sinner in need of a savior

III. Application

A. A person of faith understands that material things are temporal

1. all things eventually fade

2. all things eventually die and decay

B. Only one thing stands the test of time

1. Faith in Jesus Christ

2. To build life upon anything else is folly it will wither and fade

C. A person of faith realizes that Jesus is all they need

1. He provides for all of our needs

2. He is there for us at all times

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